»[Man in the Maroon] has been quite a ride. I started making this record more than a year ago, at the beginning of the pandemic. Last April there was a feeling we all shared that the world was on pause. We didn't know how long that was going to be. A lot of nerves, but also, a lot of experiments. Did you make any experiments? Mine was this album. [...] I started recording Man in the Maroon over a year ago. I try to avoid hyperbole, but putting out a record in 2021 is like floating in a one person life raft in the middle of the ocean shouting through fog. Which is to say, I need all the friends I can get. If you like what you're hearing, please consider sharing Maroon on your socials and maybe tell your friends and family. I don't know about you but when someone I know and respect tells me to check out a piece of music they enjoy, I take it a lot more seriously than something that shows up on an algorithm. Also, this being an album, I know it's different than asking you to listen to a single song. Take your time.« — Korby Lenker »What was: It was a crazy year as you can imagine, and of course… being a musician it was extra complicated. But it was a time for innovation, we needed new ideas, and to break it down - at the end I had an easy lifestyle giving online concerts to elderlyhomes in the North of Sweden and spending the evenings with my kids in the downhill slopes since they were open throughout the whole winter… 2020 was also the year when the showgroup Blås Bröders was founded! What is: Right touring Germany. Great to be out playing again and doing what I love! What’s coming up: Some tours are slowly taking shape, so keep an eye on the Homepage and Facebook for updates, since we still kind of have to react to the world situation.« — Stefan Johansson »I think First Farewell will be my last album. Then again, I may make another just for the pleasure of working with my three children and their partners. [...] We are kin, friends, workmates: how serendipitous is that? With this album, my family have given me a priceless gift, arriving in my 85th year and tied with a big bow. Musical dark chocolate with soft centres, roasted almonds and more memories for my treasure chest.« — Peggy Seeger |