Issue 7 12/98
FolkWorld Columns
The English columns of this issue:
- The FolkWorld Editor's Column
Euro Folk 1999. This time, the editors reflect the inrtoduction of the EURO. Direct and indirect Views on the Euro and Europe and its culture. Will this be the start also of a new Euro Folk Era?
Euro - European Culture
- The Jew's Harp Column
Phons Bakx and Henk Postma, both Dutch experts for Jew's Harp music, give in their column a fascinating introdutcion into the strange little instrument. Readers can find out about the history of the Jew's Harp, find out that the Jew's Harp is a real European, even World instrument, to be found in loads of cultures. And, of course, the column gives a view on today's role of the Jew's Harp in folk and world music.
Jew's Harp - Introduction to an interesting instrument, history and other stuff
- Magnetic Music News - FolkWorld Advertising Column
Magnetic Music, Label, Agent and local organiser, introduces from now on regularly its news in its FolkWorld column. Germany based readers can also win CDs, tickets and t-shirts.
This time: On German tour: Barachois - Midnight Court. New CDs on MMR: Barachois - Jennifer Roland - Rawlins Cross. Magnetic Music profile.
Germany-based readers can win: CDs of Barachois, Rawlins Cross, Jennifer Roland. Concert tickets for Barachois. T-Shirts.
Advertising column - Magnetic Music News; this time focussing on Canadian Celtic Music
In the German version there are some other columns:
(Please use the 'BACK' button of your browser to return from the German articles/Live reviews to the English articles-&-live-reviews index page!)
The German columns of this issue:
- FolkWorld Scene from Inside
Mit einer ostfriesischen "Boygroup" unterwegs: Die ostfriesische Band "Spillwark" auf Tour - Ein kurzes Tourtagebuch von Wolfgang Meyering. Zum ersten Mal seit mehr als zehn Jahren geht Wolfgang mit seinen "alten" Kollegen von "Spillwark" für neun Tage auf Tournee. Eine tolle und sehr zutreffende Beschreibung von verschiedenen deutschen Veranstaltungsorten und ihrem Publikum.
Ostfriesland/Northern Germany - tour diary of a magnificent German folk band
- News from Northern Germany
Die Kolumne der LAG Folk Schleswig-Holstein...
Northern Germany - News column
- New records from Ireland
Die FolkWorld Kolumne für Liebhaber irischer Musik, zusammengestellt von Axel Schuldes. Axel ist Kenner der irischen Folk und traditionellen Musik Szene, er ist ein Mitorganisator der Irish Folk Festival Tour und schreibt schon seit vielen Jahren Rezensionen über die Neuerscheinungen der grünen Insel. Ab sofort regelmäßig auch für FolkWorld's Irland-Freunde.
Ireland - column about Irish Folk CD News
Do you like to write a column for us? Either for one of our 'regulars' like the FolkWorld Scene from Inside and FolkWorld's The Critical View, or make up your own one? Just send it!
To the (older) articles & live reviews of Nr. 6
To the (newer) articles & live reviews of Nr. 8 (as soon as issue 8 is out)
To the content of FolkWorld Online Magazine Nr. 7
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 12/98
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
FolkWorld - Home of European Music
Layout & Idea of FolkWorld © The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld