Issue 8 2/99
FolkWorld Columns
The English columns of this issue:
- The FolkWorld Editor's Column
The new trends of folk music. This time, the editors will tell you something about their experience on new evolving folk music trends in Europe.
Appealing the audiance, new regions of trendy folk music.
- News from the Belgian scene
Marc Bekaert, editor of Flemish folk mag BOURDONSKE, keeps you once again updated on news and trends in the Belgian scene. This time, he has a short article to introduce the new trendy bands of Belgium. And he gives a preview on the festival summer in Belgium.
Belgien - News-Kolumne
- Magnetic Music News - FolkWorld Advertising Column
Magnetic Music, Label, Agent and local organiser, introduces its news in this column. Germany based readers can also win CDs, tickets and t-shirts. This time: On German tour: 10th St Patrick's Day Celebration Festival. Magnetic Music profile. Germany-based readers can win: CDs , concert tickets T-Shirts of and of St Patrick's Day Celebration Festival.
Advertising column - Magnetic Music News
- Danny's Corner
The column site of the late great Scotsman is updated. You will find there Danny Kyle News & Tributes, a great poem, a photo album and more...
Scotland - the tribut pages for the late, great wee Scotsman Danny Kyle
In the German version there are some other columns:
(Please use the 'BACK' button of your browser to return from the German articles/Live reviews to the English articles-&-live-reviews index page!)
The German columns of this issue:
- News from Northern Germany
Die Kolumne der LAG Folk Schleswig-Holstein...
Northern Germany - News column
- FolkWorld travel review
Handharmonika auf den Fijis oder Einzug der plattdeutschen Sprache in die Südsee. Dieser musikalische Reisebericht von Erhard Ohlhoff wurde angeregt durch die 'Drehleier auf Borneo' in der vorletzten Ausgabe. Hier findet sich ein kurzer Reisebericht über eine
Reise zu den Fiji-Inseln im Juli / August 1998
Fiji - a musical review of a trip to the Fijis
- FolkWorld scene from Inside
Deutsche Traditionen in Amerika. Vor einiger Zeit erhielt FolkWorld eine CD aus Amerika - mit deutscher Volks- bzw. Folkmusik. In einem online Inerview erfuhren wir wie drei Deutsche fernab von ihrer Heimat die Lieder ihrer Kindheit wiederentdecken
America - German traditions
Do you like to write a column for us? Either for one of our 'regulars' like the FolkWorld Scene from Inside and FolkWorld's The Critical View, or make up your own one? Just send it!
To the (older) articles & live reviews of Nr. 7
To the (newer) articles & live reviews of Nr. 9 (as soon as issue 9 is out)
To the content of FolkWorld Online Magazine Nr. 8
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 2/99
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
FolkWorld - Home of European Music
Layout & Idea of FolkWorld © The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld