Issue 14 6/2000
FolkWorld Articles,
Live Reviews & Columns
Articles & Interviews (in English)
- Berrogüetto: A scream with success
Only five years ago, the folk band Berrogüetto started in Galicia with the feeling of being just a cry of a minority culture. In these five years it all changed, now folk music in number one in Galicia. But FolkWorld found out: There are no mysteries behind Galician music...
Galicia/Northern Spain - one of the best folk bands
- Flairck: Symhony of the Old World
Old World with New Sound: The Dutch folk band Flairck discovers new ground with a new ambitious project. Having seen the band for the forst time 12 years ago when his father dragged him to another folk festival, Eelco Toorn went to see Flairck and their new "legendary" show...
The Netherlands - legendary band with great show
- The luminous life of Laïs
Maybe for a folk revival in a country without a popular music tradition, you simply need a band as a kind of metapher or an icon, representing the idea of folk music to a wide public and giving this style a new image. The new Belgian heroines Laïs are still on their way up, having yet gained a lot of attention especially in their home country. And they are only the tip of the Flemish iceberg...
Belgium - successful vocal girl band leading the New Flemish Folk scene
- German folk music history: "Volksmusik in Jeans"
An article about German political and folk songs during the revival: Until recently there has been no good documentation neither of the German folk music revival in East and West nor of the role of the political song during the GDR times. Now three important CDs have been released...
Germany - folk music revival history in East and West
- French Folk cooking slowly
Once upon a time, Gabriel Yacoub headed the most important roots
band that possibly ever came out of France - Malicorne. 30 years later Gabriel is still playing and touring with folk music, in his latest project coming back to the roots, joined only by a fiddler and a bassist...
France - one of the legendary persons of French folk
- Alyth McCormack - new Gaelic voice
Alyth McCormack, the new Gaelic voice from the Isle of Lewis (Scotland) talked to Marcus Metz at the Scottish Folk Festival
in Frankfurt (Germany) on the 12th of January 2000.
Scotland - Gaelic singer
- The Straight New Road
Seán Laffey sips his Lucozade as Charlie Piggot and Gerry Harrington, both well-travelled veterans of traditional music, tell him about their latest Cló Iar
Connachta album, The New Road.
Ireland - traditional Music
- Euro Folk Festival Summer Selection
This time we embark on a little festival preview journey from Germany to the North, East, West and South... it's only a small selection of the great European folk festivals. See you there!
Europe - some summer festivals
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Live reports from Festivals & Concerts (in English)
- Camerata Meiga with Amélia Muge in Vigo
On their recent trip to Galicia, Michael & Christian Moll went to see Camerata Meiga with their Galician Music with Classical and Portuguese traces. It was a fine concert, yet the band could well improve quite a bit.
Galicia/Northern Spain - Galician music with Portuguese singer
- Ivan Drever & Duncan Chisholm in Vigo
Two Scotsmen in the Seven Seas. Vigo, the biggest city of Galicia (North-West Spain) is said to have the second best night life of Spain, following Madrid. Being there, I found out just by chance that Scotland's possibly best folk music duo, Ivan Drever & Duncan Chisholm, was in the town's best folk venue.
Scotland/Galicia - great Scottish duo playing in Vigo
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FolkWorld Columns (in English)
- The editors column
This issue features both old and new folk music stars, giving the impression that the European folk music scene is currently at an important turning point between two generations of Folk Music.
FolkWorld's Editors' thoughts
Additional Features in the German version only
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Articles & Interviews (in German)
- "Foreigner's Tax": Is the culture in Germany in danger?
Um die sogenannte "Ausländersteuer" ist eine Debatte neu entflammt: Vier Jahre nach der Einführung wird auf Bundesebene über eine Reform dieser höheren Besteuerung ausländischer Künstler diskutiert. Christian Rath beleuchtet die wichtigsten Diskussionspunkte.
Germany - news from the so-called "foreigner's tax"
- Gabriel Yacoub: Von Malicorne-Zeiten zu einem akustischen
Einst führte Gabriel Yacoub die wahrscheinlich wichtigste "Roots Band" an, die
es jemals in Frankreich gegeben hat - Malicorne. 30 Jahre später spielt und
tourt Gabriel Yacoub immer noch mit Folk-Musik. In seinem letzten Projekt kommt
er zurück zu den Wurzeln, begleitet nur von einer Geigerin und einem Bassisten.
France - one of the legendary persons of French folk
- Was Öst'reich is'- Austro-Folk 5: Omunduntn
Der fünfte Teil der musikalischen Reise von Thomas Keller nach Österreich. Diese Mal fängt's bei der volkstümlichen Musik an und endet bei einem Auftritt von "Bayerns Staatfein Nummer Eins"...
Austria - amusing impressions of the Austrian music scene
- Musical Journey: Sahara en el Corazon
Die "Demokratische Arabische Republik Sahara" (DARS) lud zu einem internationalen Musikfestival ausländische Journalisten und Freunde der Sahrauis ein, und über 2000 Menschen folgten dem Ruf in diesen Staat, der derzeit ohne eigenes Territorium existiert. Uli Armbruster war einer von ihnen, und er kam zurück mit einem spannenden Bericht über ein vergessenes Volk und seine lebendigen Traditionen.
Sahara - an exciting report about a forgotten folk and its culture
- B.E.V. - BonificaEmilianaVeneta
Translated reprint of the English article in issue 12
B.E.V.'s Debut-CD wurde 1999 von FolkWorld als Beste Europäische CD gekürt. Im Juli wird die norditalienische akustische Band ihr Deutschlanddebut auf dem Rudolstadt-Festival geben. Aus diesem Anlass erscheint nun noch einmal der englische Artikel aus Ausgabe 12 in deutscher Sprache in FolkWorld.
Italien - hervorragende junge Folkband
FolKWorld columns (in German)
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To (newer) articles, live reviews & columns in issue 15 (as soon as issue 15 is out)
To the content of FolkWorld magazine No. 14
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 6/2000
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
FolkWorld - Home of European Music
Layout & Idea of FolkWorld © The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld