Issue 13 3/2000
FolkWorld Articles
& Live Reviews
The English articles of this issue:
- "Coming to terms with my roots"
Nahoo - a project that has made some waves in the folk, world and sometimes even rock music scene. Colin Jones met Paul Mounsey - head of Nahoo - and talked with him about Paul's roots, his way of seeing his traditions from a distance.
Scotland - Scottish music meets... some Background infos on Paul Mounsey and Nahoo
- From Viking's Worlds: Väsen
Väsen - the Swedish band with the "ä". You should never name them Vasen, the dots are extremely important, as "Vasen" is for Swedes totally uncool meaning (well you might guess it) "a vase". Yet "A Vase" would be a weak name for one of the most exciting acts out of
Sweden - fresh traditions of one of Swedens top bands
- The new Revival
The Netherlands and Belgium see currently a big boom for folk music.
"I know the folk music scene in Europe is just in the beginning." Watching the current developments on the folk scene in the Netherlands and Belgium, we had to think of this quote of Carlos Núnez. - Michael & Christian Moll found out the backgrounds
Netherland/Belgium - the new revival
- Pandeiretada powerfully presented
Leilía breathing new life into Galician traditions. Leilía is the best known band presenting the unique singing traditions of Galicia (northern Spain) to the world. The band consists of six young women with powerful strong voices, playing also the pandeireta (hand drum). Even without any other backing, these girls create a very full and impressive sound.
Galicia - strong women's voices...
- Brazilian Bagpipe Samba Rumba
Macumba - the unusual pipes and drums. Their music might be described simply as 'pipes and drums', and it would not be wrong - but without doubt it is not enough to do justice with this Scottish experience.
Scotland/Brazil - Scottish pipes and Brazilean drums
The English live reviews of this issue:
- The Flower of Western Europe
Glorious Voices of Gaelic Women at Celtic Connections. The American folksong collector Alan Lomax described once the Gaelic song traditions as the "Flower of Western Europe". For a long time, this flower was maybe a bit out of mainstream Scottish culture (if you leave out Runrig). Celtic Connections prooved this year that the Gaelic flower is these days again beautifully blooming, presenting a wide range of Gaelic singers in diverse concerts.
Celtic Connections, Glasgow - Gaelic song traditions
- 1st International Folk Festival Tilburg
Newly established and successfull. FolkWorld presented in the last issue this new festival. The editors have in January made the trip to Tilburg to find out if the festival was worth to present - and it definitely was!
Tilburg Folk Festival - great new festival in the Netherlands
- Celtic Flame
A Celebration of Contemporary Acoustic Music From Ireland and Beyond. What a better way to see in the new millenium, but a fantastic festival showcasing the best in Irish and Celtic traditional music, with top acts such as Solas, Danu, Lunasa, Dolores Keane, Dougie MacLean, Anuna and Davy Spillane, just to name a few. The Celtic Flame festival, held at HQ, which was the perfect setting for these concerts - cosy, lush comfy cabaret style seats, with waiters coming to take your orders so you didn't even have to get up and go to the bar for your next pint.
Celtic Flame, Dublin; Sean Tyrell, Solas, Danú & Lunasa
In the German version there are some other Articles & Live Reviews:
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The German articles of this issue:
- All That Strauss
Austro-Folk 4: Revolutionsmarsch & Donauwalzer von Walkin' T:-)M. "Lieber eine Fahrt ins Blaue als ein Blauer in Fahrt", besagt eine neue folkloristische Weisheit. Tja, die Zeitenwende hat sich wohl mancher in Österreich anders ausgemalt. Aber man mag sich damit trösten, dass interessante Zeiten gerade die beste Kunst hervorbringen. Harren wir also der Dinge, die da kommen ....
Austrian folk music impressions of an at the moment in Austria living German - part 4
The German live reviews of this issue:
- Celtic Connections in Glasgow - Januar 2000
Gesammelte Impressionen von Christian & Michael Moll. Celtic Connections ist eine der größten Ansammlungen 'keltischer' Musik auf einem Festival. Es findet seit nunmehr sieben Jahren für ca. 20 Tage im Januar in Glasgow statt. Vor dem ersten Festival konnte sich noch kein Mensch vorstellen, dass es möglich wäre, ein Festival solcher Größe im Januar zu starten - doch Celtic Connections hat eindrucksvoll bewiesen, dass dies durchaus möglich ist.
Celtic Connections in Glasgow - global impressions
Do you have a festival or concert you like to review here? Or an article for us? Just send it!
To the (older) articles & live reviews of Nr. 12
To the (newer) articles & live reviews of Nr. 14 (as soon as issue 14 is out)
To the content of FolkWorld online music magazine No. 13
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 3/2000
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
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Layout & Idea of FolkWorld © The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld