Issue 8 2/99
FolkWorld News (page 2)
The new Trends
Europe/Canada. There are currently evolving several new and great trends. Several folk music regions are getting always livelier; the quality of the music rises all the time. In Belgium, three Flemish bands find at the moment quite a lot of attention; the Canadins from Nova Scotia and the Northern Spanish musicians become with their excellent always better known; and also in Denmark there is currently a revival of native folk music.
FolkWorld has this issue a focus on these regions; the Editorial has not only these new trends as a theme, but you can also win CDs; Mark Bekaert reports about the current Belgian trends; Live Reviews present trends in Northern Spain and Canada. And of course, there is a broad mixture of music in the FolkWorld CD reviews and at all the other places.
BBC Young Folk Award 1998
UK. The 1998 BBC Radio Two Young Folk Award was won by melodeon player and guitarist Tim van Eyken. His prize includes a spot on a special Mike Haridng 'Best of 98' radio show and the opportunity to appear at the 1999 Cambridge Folk Festival. Tim has recently released his debut CD, New Boots.
The other finalists of the Young Folk Award were Catherine Dunne and David Wood, Talei Edwards and Emma Reid, Sean Barry, Jane on Thunder and finally Chris Whitfield.
...been hunting for strings for a charango or a rubber ended bhodhrán beater? A low whistle or a rosewood flageolet?
"Erbses Bauchladen", running an online-Shop in the internet since June 1998, is dealing in musical instruments and accessories which are sometimes a little hard to come by. At our online shop you will find:
Traditional and folk instruments: Giutars, mandolins, banjos, bouzoukis, charangos, bandurrias, ukuleles, fiddles, whistles, recorders, flutes, bodhráns, handheld percussion, castanets, concertinas, chalumeaus, bag-pipes, balaleikas, lutes and lots more from major instrument makers around the world.
Sheet Music, song books and tutors: We carry books, sheet music and tutors for almost all our instruments with many titles from England, Scotland or Ireland.
Strings and accessories: We carry strings and spare parts for all our instruments as well as a variety of accessories (reeds for bagpipes, practice chanters and the like, membranes, drum skins, stands for instruments etc.)
If you are looking for something we do not stock - we will try and get it for you. Make sure, you ask.
Have a look in - it may be worthwhile.
10 years of a Portuguese touring festival
Portugal. ETNIA, a folk music coopertive in Portugal, announce that their festival Encontros Musicais da Tradicão Europeia has its 10th edition this summer. It is a touring festival, co-produced in partnership with different town councils of Portugal. The 10th edition in 1999 (1-15 July) will have a special program: 10 bands, 4 towns, 5 concerts per town, two bands per concert. Parallel activities include a CD anthology 10 years of "Encontros" (3 CDs + extensive booklet), a photography contest covering pictures taken during the 9 pervious editions, which will form an exhibition to be shown in all the towns involved in the project. and video on the 10th edition (produced by ETNIA Films, ETNIA's new UK-based twin organisation working on ethnographic, development and folk/world music issues). More infos at ETNIA's homepage or by e-mail.
USA Songwriting Competition
Boston/USA. The world's leading international songwriting contest, USA Songwriting Competition is an annual musical event aimed at promoting excellence in music and the art of songwriting. Amateur and professional songwriters,musicians and music enthusiasts are encouraged to participate. USA Songwriting Competition spokesman and president Lee Lyndes said that the key motivation behind the development of the event was provide an incentive for both aspiring and established songwriters to have their works heard in an international competitive environment. Good prizes can be won. Entries are accepted from now through May 31, 1999.
For more information on the event's rules, regulations and entry forms, look at their homepage or e-mail the USA Songwriting Competition.
Magnetic Music, Label, Agent and Organiser, is recognized in Germany's Celtic music scene as the market leader and adding to this, an important impulse giver and think tank internationally. Magnetic Music can be termed as an embassy for culture where the door has opened for artists, record companies, media people and music lovers alike.
This time, you can find in the Magnetic Music column infos on the St. Patrick's Day Celebration Tour 1999 throughout Germany in march.
If you are based in Germany you can take part in competitions to win CDs and Concert Tickets of the St. Patrick's Day Celebration Festival Tour in March!
To the Magnetic Music News Column
Irish Music in Strasbourg
Strasbourg/France. The 4th "Whit Weekend" of the "Rhine Valley Irish Association" will take place from the 21st to the 23th of May
1999 in Molsheim, west of Strasbourg. The first three years, this musical weekend took place in Orbey, south-west of Strasbourg. Again there will be workshops in Irish music and dance and loads of crack...
Further information: Mr. George Carruthers, 4 Rue Romaine, 67570 Seltz, France.
FolkWorld Winners
FolkWorld. All in all, the first FolkWorld competition term can be seen as a success.
The solution to the last Snapshot-Fun-Photo-Competition was more diffcult than we thought - most, Ivan Drever was guessed as one of the two smiling Scots. But it was not Ivan. Some of our readers did recognize correctly Dougie MacLean as the person on the left; meanwhile, nobody did recognize the smart young man next to him. It is Paul Johnston, lead singer of Rock Salt & Nails. To make Rock Salt & Nails a bit better known in FolkWorld's readership, expect an interview with Paul in one of the next issues!
The winner of the Snapshot Competition comes from Northern Germany. The two Ned Ludd CDs are sent to Slovenia and Southern Germany; German Folkhippop in form of the two Lecker Sachen CDs expects an English and an Australian reader; and finally, the socks of Lecker Sachen go to Germany (coincidentally to a Mrs. Shoe...).

Snapshot - the Fun Photo Competition
Who are the West European musicians on this snapshot, taken at this year's Celtic Connections Festival Club?
Name us at least one (better even both) names of these folk musicians from France and Spain, and WIN 3 CDS at once (of your choice out of a selection of six folk music (promotional) CDs)!!!!
Diese Verlosung ist leider schon abgelaufen, schaue für aktuellen Verlosungen in der aktuellen Ausgabe nach.
In the German news you can find as additional news:
To first FolkWorld news page
To the (older) FolkWorld News of Nr. 7
To the (newer) FolkWorld News of Nr.9
To the content of FolkWorld online music magazines Nr. 8
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 2/99
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
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