Issue 25 6/2003
English content:
World Famous in Alberta: Canadian fiddler Calvin Vollrath
Calvin Vollrath. Not a name that trips off the tongue, at least not on the eastern side of the Atlantic. On the one hand, that's not surprising: Calvin doesn't have a marketing or distribution machine at his disposal, and most of his activities are confined to Canada, although he is a regular visitor to Europe and has even toured the Shetland Islands. On the other hand, how many unknown fiddlers have over 30 albums and 250 tunes to their credit? Alex Monaghan found out more about this fiddler extraordinaire.
Canada/Canadian Celtic Music - interviewMícheál Ó Domhnaill - back home in Ireland
Since a couple of years the legendary singer and guitarist has settled in Ireland again. The late-sixties group "Skara Brae", the influential "Bothy Band" and - after his emigration to the U. S. in the early eighties - "Nightnoise" and "Relativity" (including former "Silly Wizard" members John and Phil Cunningham) and a successful collaboration with fiddler Kevin Burke are only a few stations in the long career of Mícheál Ó Domhnaill.
Ireland - interview![]()
Folkcorn - Traditional Music From the Netherlands
This fourth episode of FolkWorld's Traditional music of the Netherlands series is about Folkcorn, the oldest, still existing Dutch folk group. After more than thirty years they have just released a new cd "laet ons den landtman loven". The four band members are still enthusiastic about their music and, already at the start of the interview, they promised Eelco Schilder a small private concert when the interview would be over.
Netherland/Dutch music - interviewThe Granard Harp Festival - Excerpts from `The Memoirs of Arthur O'Neill' (1810)
`The Memoirs of Arthur O'Neill' have been written down about the year 1810 for the traditional Irish music collector Edward Bunting, and O'Sullivan included it in his Carolan manuscript . Arthur O'Neill (1734-1818) was born in Drumnastrade near Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. At the age of two he diverted himself with a knife and eventually lost his sight. As many blind he was taught the harp and became an accomplished itinerant harper... Walkin T:)m takes you back to the life of this harpist.
Ireland - Article of folk music history![]()
Bollywood Brass Band brassing about in Ipswich
One of the most powerful live acts on the British world music scene on their visit to Ipswich last November - an opportunity not to be missed for any Suffolk resident! Michael Moll got taken away by this magnificent band.
England/Indian music - live reviewThe Big Session in London
Colin Jones went to see the one-off tour of The Big Session, combining The Oysterband with a slew of new and not-so-new faces of the English folk scene for a large venue version of a pub session. His verdict: Hats off to all concerned!
England/English music - live reviewThe Return of the Strathspey King: James Scott Skinner (1843-1927)
James Scott Skinner (1843-1927), the self-styled Strathspey King, was the leading performer of Scottish fiddle music in his day. His name lives on, many of his compositions are still popular. But Skinner also recorded himself, both on cylinder and early vinyl discs, which has been only recently re-issued as `James Scott Skinner: The Strathspey King'.
Scotland - a look back at the life of a legendary musician![]()
Minyeshu - a gift for us all
In Eelco Schilder's opinion, one of the best cd's of 2002 is Meba by Minyeshu. It is a fantastic cd with Ethiopian music in a modern and refreshing style. On Meba Minyeshu mixes Ethiopian music with styles from many other regions, even including some slight Celtic influences. However, it is first and foremost a journey through Minyeshu's native country: Ethiopia.
Ethopia - articleT:-)M's Night Shift: Diggin' the Blues
The Blues - a `state of mind': I came home with the blues, felt very lonesome and pitied myself. In his regular book review column, Walkin T:-)m this time spends his nights diggin the Blues, with plenty of books on that subject.
Regular Book Review Column - BluesSuffolk & beyond: A folk winter full of obstacles
5 cm snow and other obstacles, and one concert - Claire Mann & Aaron Jones. In Michael Moll's fifth part of the column "suffolk & beyond", he looks back at this year's winter. What happens when 5 cm of snow fall in England? Well you could do nothing anymore - roads throughout the country are blocked for many hours, villages are "cut off" from the world, schools are closed and events are cancelled. What a good timing that just this one day of snow in the year coincided with the Norwich Folk Festival No3...
England - series on folk music etc. in and around Suffolk
German content: (Use the 'BACK' button of your browser to return to here!)
Sackpfeife und Stromgitarre: In Extremo live in Münster
Die Zeit der Wintersonnenwende stand bevor und somit auch die traditionellen Weihnachtstourneen der in mittelalterlichen Gefilden wildernden Rockbands. Auch In Extremo, wohl die bekanntesten Vertreter des deutschen Medieval Metal, frönten dem Motto: Nur laute Musik vertreibt die bösen Geister. Nackte, tätowierte Oberkörper glänzen im Bühnenlicht des Münsteraner Ballhauses. Hardcore mit mittelalterlichem Ambiente dröhnt aus den Boxen.
Deutschland/Medieval Metal - LiveberichtT:-)M's Nachtwache - Buchbesprechungen
Walkin T:-)m hat mal wieder in Büchern geschmökert, und dieses Mal mehr gelernt über Zensur, Moorsoldaten, Volks- & Popmusik, Hackbrett & Johnny Cash - was für eine Mischung!
Briefe eines Verstorbenen (2): Musikalische Impressionen aus England und Irland
FolkWorld-Artikel von Hermann von Pückler-Muskau (zusammengestellt von Walkin' T:-)M). In den Jahren 1826 bis 1829 reist Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau (1785-1871) durch England, Wales und Irland. Sein Briefwechsel, anonym als Briefe eines Verstorbenen veröffentlicht, wird einer der meistgelesenen Reiseberichte seiner Zeit. Der zweite Teil von FolkWorld's Zusammenfassung.
Deutschland/Irland/England - historische ReiseimpressionenCDs aus Irland
Axel Schuldes mit einer weiteren Runde an irischen CDs.
Irland etc. - CD-Rezensions-Kolumne.
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