Issue 24 12/2002
English content:
Spanish traditional and folk music in perspective - The image and the reality
Pio Fernandez tells us al lot about nowadays folk music scene in Spain - and how it all develloped.
For years (or lets say for centuries), the common image that the rest of Europe had about the traditional music of Spain was unified under the concept of Flamenco. However, it must not be forgotten that Flamenco is the music of just the southern Spanish region named Andalucia (Andalusia), although somehow it became the single representative of the tradition of the whole country. But...
Spain - a journey through traditional music in SpainJoseph Sheridan Le Fanu: The Ghostly Balladeer
Excerpts from W.R. Le Fanu's `Seventy Years of Irish Life' (1893) compiled by Walkin' T:-)M.
The Irish journalist and novelist Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-73) is today best remembered as the `father of the Victorian Irish ghost story.' It is less known that Le Fanu also was a gifted poet and balladeer whose ditties have been long forgotten since, but had made it into the singers' repertoire of its day. Joseph's younger brother William Richard Le Fanu can tell a thing or two.
Ireland - Stories and ballads from Victorian time
Peter Koene, one of the first Dutch folksingers
In Traditional music from the Netherlands Part III Eelco Schilder reports about one of the first Dutch folksingers who recorded a full-length lp. During the last 35 years Peter has been part of several Dutch groups. I especially wanted to interview him because of his vision on folksongs. Peter isn't just interested in the romantic ballads but keeps searching for those songs which tell about the way people lived in the time a song was written.
Netherlands - folk music history up to nowA Moment ... ... in the Life of Jimmy MacCarthy
"Ride on, see you, I could never go with you, no matter how I wanted to." - Jimmy MacCarthy still vividly remembers a Christy Moore gig at Connoly Hall, Cork, when, in 1984, he all of a sudden realised that he had landed his first hit. Released on Christy's new album just a few days before, "Ride On" had immediately caught on.
Ireland - singer / songwriter
Tutl - Faroe Islands Leading Record Label exists 25 years
Not more than 45.000 people live on the Faroe islands. These islands can be found on the map in the triangle Scotland, Norway Iceland. This year the Faroe islands own label Tutl exists 25 years. It was started in 1977 and still has the same ideology as 25 years ago. Tutl is owned entirely by the musicians, composers and other people who are involved in releasing music on the Faroe islands.
Faroe islands - a label portraitFor those of you about to paunch… The Newfoundlanders Great Big Sea
Great Big Sea might be floating on a Sea of no Cares now, but sure there was some paddling to do before they got out there. In the past decade, the Newfoundland Canada band has tread its share of water and come out swimmingly. It is here that we shall end the puns says Seamus Bellamy...
Canada / Newfoundland - band portrait
T:-)M's Night Shift: WWW = Whisky, Western, Walkin' T:-)M
Walkin' T:-)M (aka Tom Keller) has read again thousands of books to convince you, that there is a lot music to be found in the bookshelfs... Music history, country music and Whisky (yes the Scottish one...) can be found in this issues night shift
BookreviewsWorld's Out of Tune (3)
The `War on Terrorism' in Song and Poetry. When the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center crumbled on September 11, 2001, the world really fell out of tune. But quiet the minstrels? No, they were not. One year after the horrible events the War on Terrorism is in full swing. So is songwriting.
USA - Reactions to September 11 in songs and poetry - the third part
Heart of Scotland Festival revisited
Music and sunshine in Aberfeldy in September 2002. Four years ago Michael Moll trekked into the Heart of Scotland, to the charming town of Aberfeldy, in the centre of gorgeous Scottish scenery. Back then, the first Heart Of Scotland Festival took place. This year he decided to return to the beloved place, to see how the 5th festival would compare to the first...
Scotland - festival reportRunrig as strong as ever
The Scottish Roots Rock Band in Ipswich. The last time I saw Runrig was in Tønder 1998 when their new singer, Bruce Guthro, had just joined the band. That concert in 1998 was enjoyable enough, however I was not completely convinced. Curiosity brought me back to see how Runrig are doing now, 4 years down the road. I must say, I was rather impressed by what I saw.
England - live review of Scottish roots rock band.
German content: (Use the 'BACK' button of your browser to return to here!)
Briefe eines Verstorbenen
Musikalische Impressionen aus England und Irland (1826-28) von Hermann von Pückler-Muskau (zusammengestellt von Walkin' T:-)M).
In den Jahren 1826 bis 1829 reist Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau (1785-1871) durch England, Wales und Irland. Sein Briefwechsel, anonym als Briefe eines Verstorbenen veröffentlicht, wird einer der meistgelesenen Reiseberichte seiner Zeit.
Womex 2002 - Die Weltmusikmesse, diesmal im Herzen des Ruhrgebietes
Womex ist eine Weltmusikmesse, die jährlich veranstaltet wird. Dieses Jahr ist sie in eine der interessantesten Regionen Europas - ins Ruhrgebiet - gekommen. Und der Veranstaltungsort war ideal! Die Zeche Zollverein im Essener Norden ist ein außergewöhnlicher Ort - der nebenbei bemerkt, dieses Jahr in die Liste der Stätten des Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen wurde.
WeltmusikmesseZutiefst natürliche Freude - Michelle Shocked im Forum Bielefeld
Es heißt, es gäbe nur eine Gewissheit bei einem Michelle Shocked-Konzert, nämlich, das Unerwartete zu erwarten. Und so kamen die unverzagten Fans des amerikanischen Enfant terribles a long way, um das Chamäleon der US-Singer/Songwriter-Szene abzufeiern. No Bush War ist das Motto von Michelles Europatournee.
Live Bericht eines US stars
Die irische Taube unter deutschem Dach
"Pigeon on the Gate"-Festival und FolkWorld-Geburtstagsparty. Letztes Jahr fand das erste "Pigeon on the Gate"-Festival statt. Das zweite "Festival der irischen Kultur" hatte noch einen weiteren Anlass, nämlich den 5. Geburtstag von diesem Magazin zu feiern. Tom Keller, langjähriger FolkWorld-Mitarbeiter, hat sich die Mühe gemacht, ein gelungenes Festival genau an dem Abend zu gestalten, an dem FolkWorld fünf Jahre zuvor das Licht der Welt erblickte, ähm, im Internet erblickt werden konnte ...
Live Bericht eines kleinen feine FestivalsKoa Hiatamadl spui i nit - Hubert von Goisern im Jovel, Münster
Authentizität? Das ist was für Ethnologen. Das Wahre, Schöne und Gute erkennt man aber, wenn man es hört. Oder: Wieso können ma nit oanfach sagen, schön wars und schön is, dass sowas überhaupt gibt. Hubert von Goisern trat nach sechsjähriger Bühnenabstinenz wieder in Münster auf...
Live Bericht eines der wichtigsten musikalischen exporte Östereichs
Ein Licht im Dunkeln: Folkwoods Festival Eindhoven 2002
Im Jahre 1891 hat Gerard Philips seine Leuchtenfabrik in Eindhoven gegründet und in Westeuropa ein wenig Helligkeit ins Dunkel gebracht. Mittlerweile sollte noch ein weiteres Licht aufgegangen sein - nämlich dass Eindhoven über eines der schönsten und charmantesten Folkfestivals Europas verfügt.
Festival Bericht über ein nettes Festival in den NiederlandenP wie Polska, S wie Stolpern - Jochen Schepers im Cuba-Cultur, Münster
Ein Comeback nach über zehn Jahren Pause: Mit traditioneller Musik und Geschichten aus dem schwedischen Älvdalen kehrte Jochen Schepers auf die Folk-Bühne zurück. Mit vertrackten Tanzmelodien auf der Geige und der etwas ungewöhnlichen Flöte Spilopipa erzählte er von Spielleuten, von den Bewohnern der endlosen Wälder und vom ewigen Gesang der Mücken.
Live Bericht - Schwedische Traditionen mitten in Deutschland
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