Ausgabe 9 5/99
FolkWorld Artikel & Konzertbesprechungen
Die deutschen Artikel dieser Ausgabe:
- Der Bulle im Porzellanladen
Geschichten der Sands Family aus Nordirland. Die berühmte irische Folkfamilienband erzählt von ihren Anfängen, gespickt mit vielen amüsanten Anekdoten.
Nordirland - bekannte Irish Folk Familienband
Die deutschen Live-Besprechungen dieser Ausgabe:
- Ungarische Volksmusik in herber Radikalität
Muzsikás und Márta Sebestyén präsentierten im Freiburger Jazzhaus ungarische "Bauernmusik". Christian Rath berichtet.
Ungarn - traditionelle und Bartók-Musik
- Interkeltisches Tanzen bei Mainz
Irische und bretonisch-französischeTanzszene friedlich vereint... Selten findet man in Deutschland Veranstaltungen, bei denen sowohl Fans des Irish Folk als auch des Volkstanzes gleichermaßen auf ihre Kosten kommen. Marcus Metz hat eine solche gefunden.
Irish/Breton - Tanzen und Zuhören
- Europäische Schotten
Warum sollte man Konzerte von Ceolbeg und Ross Kennedy (Photo) & Gavin Pennycook zusammen in einem
Bericht besprechen? Nun, beide Acts kommen aus Schottland, und beide haben einen starken europäischen Einfluß in ihrer Musik...
Scotland - Traditionelle und Folk Musik mit europäischen Einflüssen
- Folk im Museum
Schmelztiegel und Strandgut, zwei norddeutsche Bands, waren im Februar im ehemaligen Bundeswehr-Depot, heute Museum, auf dem Hesterberg. Helmut Beushausen hat den Weg dorthin gefunden.
Deutschland - zwei norddeutsche Folkgruppen
Wollt Ihr vielleicht mal über ein von Euch besuchtes Festival / Konzert berichten? Oder einen Artikel schreiben? Mailt Ihn uns zu!
In der Englischen Version gibt es noch andere Artikel & Live Reviews:
(Benutze den 'BACK'/'Zurück' Knopf Deines Browsers um zur deutschen Indexseite der Artikel/Live-Besprechungen zurückzukommen!)
Die Englischen Artikel dieser Ausgabe:
- Consistency - At the Heart of the Tradition
Charming Seán Laffey wanders into the Spailpín Fanach in Cork for an evening's session with Séamus Creagh and Aidan Coffey, who have just released a duo album.
Ireland - top traditional music
- Sámi Culture and the Yoik
Ursula Länsman (photo), member of the popular Sámi Band Angelit, introduces in this article the fascinating culture of her indeginous folk, the Sámi from Northern Europe. This is a FolkWorld article which is at the same time part of our series FolkWorld Scene from Inside.
Sámi Culture - an introduction to this indeginous folk from Scandinavia
- Gaelic & Gaeilge Souls
Anam and their diverse Celtic backgrounds. With the new addition of Scottish Gaelic Singer/Songwriter Fiona Mackenzie, the Interceltic band Anam have now both a Scottish Gaelic and an Irish Gaeilge Singer/Songwriter. We met Brian and Fiona to discuss about their different Gaelic background as well as about the new Scottish Parliament
Scotland/Ireland - Gaelic and Gaelge song traditions, Interceltic band
- Folk & Fun in Europe's Sun - Summer Festivals
A little journey to some recommended summer festivals on the European Continent in the Jubilee Season 1999; with festivals from Finland to Portugal. The photo shows, btw., a pipe band in Asturias...
Europe - the best summer folk festivals
- The Harmonica in Irish music
An Interview with Mick Kinsella. Thanks to his performing in 'RIVERDANCE' the playing of New Zealander Brendan Power has done much to increase the popularity of the harmonica in folk music circles around the world. At the same time Ireland's Mick Kinsella has been leaving his own mark…
Ireland - Harmonica Playing
- 25 Years Ambassadors of Breton music
Bleizi Ruz talk about Breton culture, and tell about the current popularity of Fest Noz in Brittany. They have now two Breton pipers - the photo shows one of them!
Brittany - a great Breton concert band; Fest Noz, Breton culture
- The German Folk Scene
Folk from the German regions and more. The new Profolk Sampler "Test the Best" gives a good starting point for a wee outlook on the current state of the German folk music scene. Also a review of the CD and the chance to win one of five CDs of this sampler.
Win German Folk Music CDs!
Germany - Deutschfolk and the German folk music scene
- A Coming Home for Rock Salt & Nails
Rock Salt & Nails, the Shetland folk rock band, are back with a new album, a big tour and new freshness. We spoke half a year ago in Tønder with an exhausted Paul Johnston, just before he went home on holidays, about tiredness of touring, major label pressures and music traditions.
Shetland - Folk Rock Music, Touring Pressures, Shetland Traditions
- The Best of Irish
Seán Laffey gets a look behind the charitable machinations of a compilation CD, visiting Bob Conway who normally presents a programme called Best of Irish on RTÉ Radio 2 FM.
Ireland - How to put together a compilation CD
- Eleni Karaindrou - An undiscovered gem
Colin Jones finds out about Eleni Karaindrou, a Greek film music composer, using in her music mostly traditional instruments.
Greece - film music composer
Die Englischen Live Reviews dieser Ausgabe:
- Lonesome in O'Donoghues
Finbar Furey launches his new EP in Dublin's most famous musical pub, Seán Laffey of Irish Music Magazine jostles for a story and bumps into An Taoiseach and Jeremy Beadle...
Ireland - an Irish legend in an legendary pub; with the bit of legendary Irish humour
- Glorious Gaels at Celtic Connections
Mackenzie & 'Horo Gheallaidh' with Ceolas and Gaelic singers The Gaelic culture is an important part of Scotland, and several concerts at Celtic Connections presented the best Gaelic talent currently on offer in Scotland. Two of the Scottish highlights were the big showcase concert "Horo Gheallaidh" with Fred Morrison's Ceolas and a bunch of Scottish singers, and the intimate concert of Mackenzie.
Scotland - superb Gaelic bands at Celtic Conncetions
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Zum Inhalt des FolkWorld Online Magazin Nr. 9
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 5/99
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
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