Ausgabe 6 10/98
FolkWorld Artikel & Konzertbesprechungen
Die deutschen Artikel dieser Ausgabe:
- 25 Jahre Suhrbrook Family
Die Wiederbelebung der legendären Suhrbrook Family nach 25 Jahren findet am 7. November statt. Walter Peetz gibt einen Einblick in die Geschichte der Suhrbrook Family und des dazugehörigen Festivals, das es seit 1973 gibt. Dieses historische Jahr wird am 7. November mit
einem Jubiläumsfestival begangen. Ein LAG News Artikel.
Norddeutschland - Folkgeschichte, Folk Festival, Folk Chor...
- Junge Tradition aus Schottland
Deaf Shepherd treiben mit jugendlichem Elan neue Blüten aus alten Traditionen. Anläßlich der Scottish Folk Festival Tour '99, bei der Deaf Shepherd einen der Höhepunkte formen werden, hier eine Wiederveröffentlichung eines noch immer zutreffenden Artikels aus dem (inzwischen aufgelösten) Folksblatt Magazines.
Schottland - kraftvolle, jugendliche traditionelle Musik
- Get Wet - Eine kleine Erfolgs-Story
Get Wet! sollte nicht als Aufforderung mißverstanden werden, bei Heringsdorf in die Ostsee zu hüpfen. Vielmehr handelt es sich um ein dort heimisches Musikgewächs, das bereits auf ziemliches Medien- und Fan-Interesse gestoßen ist. Ein Artikel der LAG News.
Norddeutschland - die Erfolgsstory einer 'Highlandbeat' Band
- The Danny Kyle Corner ist der Ort für all diejenigen, die sich an diesen großartigen kleinen Schotten erinnern wollen - es finden sich dort neue News, ein Gedicht, ein Photoalbum und mehr.
Die deutschen Live-Besprechungen dieser Ausgabe:
- Hoven Droven in Unna
Unbekanntes kulturelles Skandinavien - die SkandinaVia '98. Im Rahmen der SkandinaVia 98 traten unter anderem auch die beliebten schwedischen Instrumental-Folkrocker Hoven Droven auf. Ein Erlebnis, das wir nur dem Land NRW zu verdanken haben....
Schweden - moderne Folkmusik
In der Englischen Version gibt es noch andere Artikel & Live Reviews:
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Die Englischen Artikel dieser Ausgabe:
- Runrig: Back to the folk circuit?
A new singer for the 25th birthday. Being a band that is not only well known in the folk circuit, but also in the rock/pop
scene, there it might be dangerous replacing their front singer. And it might be even
more dangerous if the band is an institution of its own in their native Scotland, and
they are taking a Canadian as front singer (photo). The roots rock band Runrig, one of
Scotland's most popular bands ever, have managed this change brilliantly.
Scotland - well-known Scottish Roots Rock band with new Canadian Singer
- Tradition by Election
Irish Music's editor Sean Laffey meets Senator Labhrás Ó Murchu, the influential Ardstiúthóir
(Director )of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, and finds out his intersting opinions and experiences on the Irish Diaspora and the main challenges Irish Music faces today.
Ireland - Traditional Music association; the Irish Music scene and its Diaspora etc.

Swedish Sounds
Hoven Droven's way to play rock sounds like folk. A summer Thursday in July in Unna, Germany - a stage at a small place in a small park hidden behind the Sparkasse bank. Michael & Christian Moll were lucky enough to find the hidden stage; the searching
was honoured by a live gig of Hoven Droven, the trendy Swedish folk band.
Sweden - Energetic Swedish Folk/Rock/Trance Band
- The philosophies behind Ron's Songs
Ron Kavana - great songwriter and sometimes philosoph. "It's good to be back; drinking good Guinness in Wolfensbuttel. I always like coming to Germany. But usually I come as a tourist, not as a musician. - We want to be in Germany as much as we can. We have many friends here."
Ireland - Ron Kavana's songs, Irish and German history and future, about visiting Germany etc...
- The Scottish borders and its own sense of identity
John Morran on Border traditions, Scots identity and Deaf Shepherds. John Morran, the excellent singer of Scotland's liveliest and most powerful traditional bands Deaf Shepherd, is an expert in the history and traditions of Scotland and the Borders (photo) in particular. Here you can find out more about it all...
Scotland - Regional Traditions, Scots identity, the best young trad band Deaf Shepherd
- Svends Irish Attractions in Denmark
The Irish Music scene in Denmark is going strong. Svend Kjelsen is a young man who is
nowadays one of the most important guys for Irish Music in Denmark, running the Danish branch of the
Scandinavian Roots Music Agency, being member of a couple of traditional Irish bands and having
organised the Music programme of what has been the biggest presentation of Irish culture in Scandinavia
Denmark - An agent who has pushed the Irish Music scene in Denmark
Die Englischen Live Reviews dieser Ausgabe:
- Warwick Folk Festival 98
The small town of Warwick is best known for its beautiful big medieval castle that lies romantically above a small river. In this lovely setting a folk festival is truly at the right place; and the Warwick Folk Festival is already old established, now in ist 19th year. Some great music by the likes of Peatbog Fairies, Carlen Anglim (photo) & Chris Sherburn & Denny Bartley
England - Festival with mainly English + a few Scottish and worldwide Celtic guests
- Lorient Interceltique Festival 1998: Alan Stivell and Martyn Bennet
Martyn Bennet and Cuillin Music at the Lorient Interceltique Festival 1998 and Alan Stivell in Rosporden, Brittany (not far from Lorient). These two acts couldn't be more disparate. The one is 26, has dreadlocks and hails from Edinburgh, the other
has been an international start of Celtic music since the seventies, is ...erm... follicly challenged, shall we
put it, and sings in Gaelic and English, which is slightly strange, as he's French. But if you asked Kathy Tan,
which concert she enjoyed more, she wouldn't be able to tell you.
France/Scotland - Lorient Festival; French Folk Legend; Young Scottish Folk Star
- The Tønder Pilgrimage '98 - Tønder Festival, August 1998
Every year at the last weekend of August, thousands of music fans from Denmark, Germany and all the
rest of Europe make their way to the charming little Danish town of Tønder, just besides the German
border, to experience some of the best of Celtic music at their all-time favourite festival. The 1998 version
of the Tønder Festival had again loads of music sensations to offer, showcasing a line-up of bands and
musicians that is simply fabulous.
Denmark - Celtic music at its best
Zu den (älteren) Artikeln & Live-Besprechungen der Nr. 5
Zu den (neueren) Artikeln & Live-Besprechungen der Nr. 7 (Sobald Ausgabe 7 heraus ist)
Zum Inhalt des FolkWorld Online Magazin Nr. 6
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 10/98
All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.
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