Issue 17 12/2000
Another year is nearly gone by, already the third since we launched FolkWorld on 1st November 1997. Some things have changed in FolkWorld during the years, some service items were launched (e.g. the search engine or the FolkWorld article and CD review index at FROG).
Many people asked for a folk date database - during the next year we are planning to start one. The programming of it is already nearly completed, and will be very easy for users and very efficient.
First it will feature only German dates (maybe also the direct neighbour countries - but maybe if it works out well, it will become in future more European).
If you have ideas for this project - or if you even want to become part of it, please let us know.
Merry Christmas and a happy new millennium,
your FolkWorld editors.
Your FolkWorld Editors.
Photo Credit: Dereelium, by The Mollis
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To the content of FolkWorld online magazine Nr. 17
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