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Folk & Roots Online Guide


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Abair, Casey Joe

Abair, Mindi

Abarta, Joey

Abel, Bill

Abernathy, Rod

Absher, Brad

Abshire, Ray

Accidentals, The

Achilles Wheel

Ackerman, Will

Acoustic Eidolon

Acoustic Ocean

Act of Congress

Adam Ezra Group

Adams, Derroll

Adams, Doug

Adams, Jenn

Adams, Jody

Adams, Lauren

Adams, Sheila Kay

Adler & Hearne

Adrian + Meredith

Adrianna Marie and her Groovecutters

Agee, Adam

Ahn, Priscilla

Aiken, Caroline

Aiken, Mike




Alan, Scotty

Alastair Greene Band

Alba's Edge

Albert, Christine

Alden, Kyle

Alexander, Elias

Alexander, Glenn

Alexander, Shane

Alexandria Kleztet, The

Alias Means

Allchin, Jim

All Day Sucker

Allen, Amy

Allen, Apryl

Allen, Ron


Allen, Terry

Alligood, Arthur

Allison, Amy

All Over Everywhere

All Sons & Daughters

Alonso, Liah

Alpert, Michael

Alright Alright

AlRoy, Carolyn

Altered Five Blues Band

Alvarado, Steven

Alvin, Dave

Amazing Keystone Big Band

American Aquarium

Amram, Alana

Andrews, Nels

Andersen, Eric

Andersen, Matt

Andrews, Adam

Andrews, Courtney Marie

Andy & Judy

Andy T

Andy Timmons Band

Añel, Lili

Angelis, Kris

Anger, Darol

Anito, Flo

Anna & Elizabeth



Annibale, Brooke

Antin, Amy

Antonilio, Laurie



Appalachian Road Show


Appelrouth, Ivan

Apples in Stereo, The

Appleseed Collective, The

Appleton, JJ

Arad, Galia

Arcoleo, Fred

Aroeste, Sarah

Arcuragi, Adam

Armfield, Paul

Armiger, Katie

Armo, Dave

Armstrong, Randy

Arndt, Jocelyn & Chris

Aroeste, Sarah

Arroyo Rogers

Art & Lisa

Art Gomperz Band

Arthur, Joseph

Ashia Bison Rouge

Ashton, Taylor

Ashtray Hearts, The

Asleep at the Wheel

Aspen, Oria

Asplund, Steve

Asylum Street Spankers


Atkinson, Big Jon

Atomic Road Kings


Corte', Al

Cortese, Laura

Coryell, Murali

Costello, Louise

Cotten, Elizabeth

Cotter, Caroline

Cotton, Eddie

Cotton, James

Country Lips


Cousin Emmy

Cousin John Band, The

Cowan, John

Cox, Doug

Coyle, Dan

Coyote Brother

Craig, Billy

Craig, Catherine & Brian Willoughby:

Craig, Tom

Craigie, John

Crawford, Anthony

Crawford, James

Creedance Clearwater Revival

Creole Belles

Crooked Eye Tommy

Crooked Jades

Crook, Jennifer

Crookston, Joe

Crosby, David

Cross, Alberta

Cross, Vincent


Crossey, Darren

Crow and the Canyon

Crow vs Lion

Crowell, Rodney

Crowne, Angus

Crows, The

Crowson, Patrick

Crow vs Lion

Cru, Tas

Cruz, Lisa

Cullison, Mike

Cullman, Brian

Current Swell

Currie, Carolyn

Currin, Nate

Curry, Mary Jo

Curtis, Catie

Cutler, Elisabeth

Cutler, Rick


D. Rangers


Dailey and Vincent

Dale, Brian

Dale Petty, Andy

Daley, Jan

Dalton, Kelly

Dalton, Lacy J.

D'Amour, Michele

Dan and Faith

Danberrys, The

Daniels, Chris

  • CD & The Kings "Funky to the Bone" , FW issue 60, in German
  • CD "The Spark Moon", FW issue 27, in English

    Daniels, Jason

    Danny McLaughlin Band

    Dan Trudell Trio, The

    Dardar, Tommy

    Dare Dukes


    Dark Dark Dark

    Darlin’ Brando

    Darling, Sarah


    Darriau, Matt

    DaSilva, Joel

    Dave Muskett Acoustic Blues Band

    Dave Rawlings Machine

    Davey O.

    Davidson, Terry

    Davies, Matthew

    Thor Davis

    Davis, Ashley

    Davis, Boo Boo

    Davis, David

    Davis, Mark

    Davis, Rev. Gary

    Davis, Guy

    Davis, Rachael

    Davis, Thornetta

    Davison, Jude

    Dawn of the Replicants

    Dawson, Kimya

    Dayton, Jesse

    De Grassi, Alex & Quique Cruz

    Deanna Varagona Trio

    Deadly Gentlemen

    Death Vessel

    Decesare, Nick

    Dedicated Men of Zion

    Dee, Andy

    Deegan, Joe

    Dee Miller Band


    Deep Dark Woods, The

    Deep Hollow, The

    Deering & Down

    Deer Tick

    De Groot, Allison

    Dehlia Low

    Deicide, Darren

    Deivert, Bert

    De la Cour, Ben

    Del Castillo


    De Leon, Bianca

    Della Mae

    Delray, Lee

    Delta Flyers, The

    Delta Moon

    Delta Moon

    Delta Wires

    DeMarco, Tony

    DeMeyer, Brigitte

    Demolition String Band

    Denikos, Tony

    Denman, Todd & Aniar

    Dennen, Brett

    Dennis Jones Band

    Denver, John

    DePaolo, Chaz


    Dermody, Grant

    Derrane, Joe

    Desmelik, Dave

    Detor, Krista

    Devil Grass

    Devil Makes Three, The

    DeWitt, Wendy

    Dia del Mercado

    Diane, Alela

    Dickens, Hazel

    Dickenson, Jarrod

    Dickinson, John

    Dickinson, Luther

    Dietz, Allison

    DiFranco, Ani

    Dillon, Eamonn

    Dillon, John

    Dillon, Nancy K

    Dillon, Nancy K.

    Dime, Roosevelt

    DiMicele, Alice

    Dinnerstein, Simone

    Dion (Dion DiMucci)

    Dion, Jeremy



    Disappearing Act, The

    Disorientalists, The

    Dixie Bee-Liners, The

    Dixon, Fur

    Dixon, Popsy

    D'Mar and Gill

    Dobson, Richard

    Dolan, Brendan

    Dolan, Felix

    Dolce, Joe

    Dominguez, Lou

    Doncker, Tomás

    Don Darlings, The

    Donkeys, The

    Doocey, David

    Doon Ceili Band, The

    Double Naught Spy Car

    Doucet, Michael

    Doug Prescott Band

    Douglas, Jerry

    Down Home Super Trio

    Downing, AJ

    Downing, Lisa


    Dreadnut Inc.


    Driessen, Casey

    Driscoll, Joe

    Drive-By Truckers

    Dr. John

    Dropkick Murphys

    Drost, Rick

    Drummer, Johnny

    Dry River

    Dubl Handi

    Duffey, Doug

    Duffey, John

    Dughi, Chad

    Duhks, The

    Duhon, Andrew

    Duncan Street

    Dunn, Mark

    Dupas, Ed

    DuPree, Stevie

    Durham, Lincoln

    Durrett, Diane

    Durst, James

    Dustbowl Revival, The

    Dust Busters, The

    Duvekot, Heaton, Hutchinson, Zukerman

    Dylan, Bob

  • CD Bob Dylan "Rough and Rowdy Ways", FW issue 72, in German
  • Music on the Big Screen. News item, FW issue 69, in English
  • CD Joan Osborne "Songs of Bob Dylan", FW issue 64, in English
  • The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016: Bob Dylan. News item, FW issue 61, in English
  • Happy Birthday Bob Dylan. News item, FW issue 60, in English
  • Rubin "Hurricane" Carter (1937-2014). Obituary, FW issue 54, in English
  • CD Various Artists "Chimes of Freedom: The Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International", FW issue 47, in English
  • Book "The Gig Book: Bob Dylan - Perfect for guitarists, keyboard players and all other musicians", FW issue 46, in English
  • Book "The Gig Book: Bob Dylan - Perfect for guitarists, keyboard players and all other musicians", FW issue 46, in German
  • Forever Young. Article, FW issue 45, in English
  • CD "A Nod to Bob 2", FW issue 45, in English
  • Book "Dylan - 100 Songs & Bilder", FW issue 44, in English
  • Book "Dylan - 100 Songs & Bilder", FW issue 44, in German
  • Book Shepard "The Rolling Thunder Logbook", FW issue 42, in English
  • Here Comes Santa Bob. News item, FW issue 40, in English
  • (14) 40 Jahre Folk '69 - 3 Jahre Wilde Töne Live Report, FW issue 39, in German
  • Bob Dylan Receives Honorary Pulitzer Prize. News item, FW issue 36, in English
  • Book Amendt "Back to the Sixties - Bob Dylan zum Sechzigsten", FW issue 20, in German
  • Book Williams "Bob Dylan - In eigenen Worten", FW issue 20, in German

    Dziubla, Ron


    Eaglesmith, Fred J.

    Earle, Justin Townes

    Earle, Steve

    Earls of Leicester, The

    Early Mays, The

    Early Risers, The

    Easterling, Wyatt

    Easton, Tim

    Eat Static

    Eaton, Marcus

    Ebsen, Kiki

    Echo Bloom

    Eckman, Chris

    Eddy, Jake

    Eden, Rebekah

    Edens, Pierce

    Edgehill Avenue

    Edward, D

    Edwards, Gil

    Edwards, Jonathan

    Edwards, Kathleen

    Edwards, Tyler

    Egan, Seamus

    Egge, Ana

    Eggleston, Kat

    Eicher, JD

    Eid, Joseph

    Eight O’Five Jive

    Elders, The

    Eldridge, Chris

    Electrocarpathians, The

    Elephant Revival

    Eleven Hundred Springs

    Elijah, Ace


    Elkin, Carrie

    Elliot, Luke

    Elliott, Mark

    Elliott, Ramblin' Jack

    Ellis, Betse

    Ellis, Dave

    Ellis, Robert

    Ellis, Tawny

    Ellis, William Lee

    Ellison, Scott

    Elizabeth and the Catapult

    Ellyn, Lindsay

    Elmore, Jason




    Emperors of Wyoming, The

    Empire Roots Band

    Ender, Matt

    English, Aaron

    English, Georgia

    Epichorus, The

    Epiphany Project

    Epping, Rick

    Epstein, Ellen

    Eric Hughes Band

    Eriksen, Tim

    Ernie Watts Quartet


    Escovedo, Alejandro

    Eskandarian, Ali

    Espiritu, Aireene

    ESP Ohio


    Estrin, Rick

    Ethel Caffie-Austin Singers, The

    Eubanks, Sammy


    Evans, Bill

    Evans, David

    Evans, Jennifer

    Evans, Terry


    Evers, Leslie

    Evry, Derek

    Expanders, The


    Fabulous Horndogs, The

    Fahey, Peter

    Faint, The

    Falanga, Tony

    Falkner, Jason

    Fallen Stars, The

    Fallon, Jane

    Falzarano, Michael

    Farewell Drifters, The

    Farm County Jubilee

    Farr, Michael

    Farrar, Johnson, Parker, Yames

    Faye, Charlie


    Fazzari, Vinny

    Fe, Pura

    Fearing, Stephen

    Feddersen, Laura

    Feed + Seed

    Feelies, The

    Feeney, Anne

    Feiles, Arlan

    Felix, Julie

    Felice Brothers, The

    Felice, Simone

    Felonious Bosch

    Fender, Freddie


    Fer, Mandy

    Feralings, The

    Ferdinand the Bull

    Fermin, Anna

    Ferrara, Katie

    Ferrell, Andy

    Fibish, Marla

    Fichot, Jessica

    Fiddle & Banjo

    Fiddle Whamdiddle

    Field, Hilary

    Fieldhouse, Lewis

    Fields, Dave

    Fiery Blue

    Filipowicz, Paul

    Finck, Jerad



    Fink, Cathy

    Fink, Johnny

    Finkel, Marty

    Finlay, Kent

    Finlay, Steve

    Finlayson, Cady

    Finley, Caitlin

    Finnders & Youngberg

    Finnegan, Honor

    Finn MacCool

    Finzer, Sherry

    Firefall Acoustic

    Fireside Collective


    Fish, Samantha

    Fisher, Dave

    Fisher, Robert Morgan

    Fitzsimmons, Ryan

    Fitzsimmons, William

    Fix, Stefanie

    Flannery, Tom

    Flatley, Michael

    Flatt Lonesome

    Fleck, Bela

    Flegg, Chris

    Flemons, Dom

    Fletcher, Joe

    Fletcher, Kirk

    Flogging Molly

    Flores, Rosie


    Flower, Mary

    Flower, Wendy

    Flowers, Hannah

    Flyin' A's, The

    Flying Eyes, The

    Flynn, Ashleigh

    Flynn, Spike

    Fogelberg, Dan

    Fogerty, John

    Foghorn Stringband, The

    Foley, Dylan


    Fonda, Joe

    Ford, Elijah

    Forbert, Steve


    Forlorn Strangers

    Forrest McDonald Band, The

    Forsyth, Guy

    Forty Fours, The

    Fosburgh, Kyle

    Foster, Josephine

    Foster, Radney

    Foster, Stephen

    Foucault, Jeffrey

    Four Voices

    Foust, Ken

    Fowley, Kim

    Fox and Bones

    Fox and the Bird

    Francis, Gar

    Frank, Allan

    Frank, Jackson C.

    Frankfurter, Aryeh

    Franklin, Carl

    Franklin, David

    Frasco, Andy

    Freak Owls

    Free, Micki


    Freeman, Dori

    Free Range Pickin'


    Freight Hoppers

    Freund, Tom

    Friedman, Kinky

    Fries, John

    Fromer, Reed

    Front Country

    Fry, Byron

    Fucking Buckaroos, The

    Fulks, Robbie

    Fullbright, John

    Fuller, Ray

    Fullerton, Chris

    Full Moon Ensemble

    Furious Seasons, The



    Gaelic Storm

    Gagliardi, Aislinn


    Gaines, Carolyn

    Gallagher, Tanya

    Gallon House

    Gallup, Annie

    Gallway, Peter

    Gammage, Phil

    Gannon, Colm

    Gantry, Chris

    Garber, Robinlee

    Gardner, Abbie

    Gardot, Melody

    Garfunkel, Art

    Garibaldi, Katie

  • CD "Home Sweet Christmas", FW issue 67, in English

    Garland, Lee

    Garland, Terry

    Garlin, Rachel

    Garlow, Thomas

    Garneau, Chris

    Garniez, Rachelle

    Garrett, Case

    Gas Men, The

    Gates, Jack

    Gates, Lee

    Gathering Time

    Gauthier, Mary

    Gayheart, Willard

    Gelb, Howe

    Geller, Marci

    Gellert, Rayna

    Genna & Jesse

    Geoff Goodman’s Tabla & Strings

    Georgas, Hannah

    Geraci, Anthony

    Gerald, David

    Gerard, Steve

    Gerber, Craig

    Geremia, Steph

    Gerrard, Alice

    Ghani, Juana

    Ghost Town Blues Band

    Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad

    Giant Sand

    Gibbs, Otis

    Gibson Brothers, The

    Gibson, Delaney

    Gibson, Drew

    Giddens, Rhiannon

    Gilbert, Ronnie

    Gilberts, Tom

    Gilchrist, Maeve

    Gilewitz, Richard

    Gilkyson, Eliza

    Gillogly, Samantha

    Gilmore, Colin

    Gina Furtado Project, The

    Gindick, Jon

    Ginn Sisters, The


    Glaub, Julee

    Glaze, Susie

    Glazer, Howard

    Gleason, Dave

    Goat, LL

    ThE Golden Age

    Golden Bough

    Goldman, Sharon

    Goldmark, Joe


    Golton, Esther

    Gonzales, Raymond

    Goodbye Blue

    Goodbye Girls

    Goodman, Steve

    Good Mush

    Gordon, David & Steve

    Gordon, Jay

    Gordon Meier Blues Experience, The

    Goren, Ray

    Gorka, John

    Gothard Sisters, The

    The Gothic Cowboy (aka Melvin Litton)

    Gourds, The

    Gourley, Nathan

    Government Mule

    Graff, David

    Graham, Wayne

    Grahams, The

    Graham Stone Music

    Grain Thief

    Grainger, Kristen

    Grand Old Grizzly

    Grand Undoing, The

    Grammer, Tracy

    Grand Fatilla

    Grand Marquis

    Grand Old Grizzly

    Grand Undoing, The

    Granger, Randy

    Grannis, Kina

    Grant, Bev

    Grant, John

    Grant, Tyler

    Grascals, The

    Grasso, Eliot

    Grave, Jonny

    Gravel & Grace

    Graves, Shakey

    Gray, Henry

    Greater Good, The

    Great Recession Orchestra, The

    Great Sadness, The

    Grebe, Todd

    Green, Adam

    Green, Daniel

    Green Like July

    Green, Pat

    Green, Russ

    Green, Travis

    Greenbaum, Adrianne

    Alastair Greene

    Greene, Alastair

    Greene, Jackie

    Greener, Melissa

    Greenman/Rubin/Bern Trio

    Greensky Bluegrass

    Greenwell, Smoky

    Greer, Andrew

    Gregory, PK

    Grey, JJ & Mofro

    Grey, Lex

    Grey, Preston

    Grier Jr., Philip Lamar

    Griffie, Leonard

    Griffin, Patty

    Griffin, Sid

    Griffith, Grace

    Griffith, Nanci

    Grimm, Jackson

    Grimm, Larkin

    Grimm, Tim

    Grisman, David

    Groopman, Jacob

    Gross, Dave

    Grossman, Stefan


    Grupo Falso Baiano

    Grupo Fantasma

    Guillen, Katy

    Guitar Mikey

    Gun, Linstead, Gold, Arkenstone

    Gundersen, Noah

    Gunther Brown

    Gurney, Dan

    Gustavson, Kent

    Gustin, Jim

    Guthrie, Arlo

    Guthrie, Noah

    Guthrie, Woody

    Guttmann, Jim

    Guy, Buddy


    Gypsy Soul


    Haas, Britanny

    Haas, Natalie

    Haas Kowert Tice

    Hackberry Ramblers

    Hackensaw Boys

    Hackett, Emily

    Hackles, The

    Hadden, Craig

    Haddix, Travis “Moonchild”

    Haden, Charles Edward

    Haerle, David

    Hagen, Loretta

    Hager, Charlie

    Haggard, Merle

    Hair of the Dog

    Hakola, Theo

    Hale, Ed

    Haley, Lisa

    Halker, Bucky

    Hall, Barry & Beth

    Hall, Frank

    Hall, Trevor

    Halley DeVestern Band, The

    Halpern, Steven

    Halstead, Jenee

    Hambridge, Tom

    Hamer, Jefferson

    Hamilton, Dirk

    Hamlin, Griff

    Hanck, Terry

    Hard Swimmin' Fish

    Hardin, J.

    Hardy, Jack

    Hargreaves, Tatiana

    Harlan, Matt

    Harmed Brothers, The

    Harmon, Zac

    Harmonious Wail

    Harpe, Erin

    Harper, Ben & Ellen

    Harpers Hall

    Harpeth Rising

    Harrington, Rachel

    Harris, Betty

    Harris, Emmylou

    Harris, Jack

    Harris, Kim and Reggie

    Harris, Paula

    Harrison, Mic

    Harry, Jimmy

    Hart, Amy

    Hart, Beth

    Hart, Cynthia

    Hart, Lorin

    Harte, Alexis

    Hartford, John

    Hat Check Girl

    Hatfield, Brad

    Hatfield, Stephanie

    Haught, Wayne

    Haun’s Mill

    Havens, Richie

    Hawk & a Hacksaw, A

    Hawkins, Ernie

    Hawkins, Fiona Joy


    Hawthorn, Johnny

    Hawthorne, Chuck

    Hay, Colin

    Hayes, Dan


    Haynes, Kimberly

    Hayride Casualties

    Hayseed Dixie

    Hazmat Modine

    Head for the Hills

    Headlocks, The

    Heald, Jim

    Hearne, Michael

    Heath, Jason

    Heatherly, Eric

    Heaton, Matt & Shannon

    Heavy Water Experiments

    Hebert, Brian

    Hecht, Robby

    Hector, Billy

    Hector Anchondo Band

    Hedgerow Folk, The

    Heely, Seán

    Heintz, Lauren

    Hellerman, Fred

    Hellman, Neal

    Hello Emerson

    Helm, Levon

    Helt Oncale

    Hendrix, Terri

    Hendryx, Nonah

    Henley, Lily

    Henriksson, Deborah

    Henry, Jim

    Henry, Joe

    Hensley, Trey

    Hensold, Dick

    Henson-Conant, Deborah

    Herd, Neil Bob

    Here & Now, The

    Heritage Blues Orchestra

    Herrera, Dennis

    Herriges, Greg

    Herring, Emily

    Herring, Emily

    Herring, Vincent

    Hewitt, Russ

    Heynderickx, Haley

    Hiatt, John

    HiBs, The


    Hidalgo, David

    Hight, Jewly

    Highway Women

    Highwomen, The

    Hill, Adam

    Hill, Avery

    Hill, Emma

    Hill, Joe

    Hill, Robert

    Hillbenders, The

    Hills, Anne

    Hindmarsh, Adrienne

    Hinely, Donal

    Hinkle, Anya -> Tellico

    Hinojosa, Tish

    Hinson, Micah P.

    Hinton, Sam

    Hirsch, Beth

    Hitman Blues Band, The

    Hobbs, AJ

    Hobgood Ray, Katy

    Hoge, Will

    Hog-Eyed Man

    Hogue, Coty

    Holcomb, Drew

    Holcomb, Ellie

    Holcombe, Malcolm

    Holeman, John Dee

    Holiday and the Adventure Pop Collective

    Holley, Claire


    Holmes, Wendell

    Holscher, Nathan

    Homespun Remedies

    Honeyboy Edwards

    Honey Dewdrops, The

  • Ein Ereignis wie aus der Urzeit. Article, FW issue 61, in German
  • CD "Silver Lining", FW issue 48, in English

    Hooker, John Lee

    Hoot and Holler

    Hooten Hallers, The

    Hooters, The

    Hoots & Hellmouth

    Hopkins, Thea


    Horan, Winifred

    Hornbuckle, Nick

    Horse Flies, The

    Hosking, Rita

    Hot Club of Cowtown

    Hot Club of Los Angeles

    Hot Club Sandwich

    Hot Seats, The

    Houlihan, Tim

    Hounds of Finn

    House, Griffin

    House, Tom

    House Jumpers

    Howard, Boo

    Howard, Michael

    Howe, Alice

    Howell, Steve

    Howlin' Brothers, The

    Howlin’ Wolf

    Hoyer, Josh

    Hubbard, Dan

    Hubbard, Ray Wylie

    Huber, Andrew D.

    Huber, Joseph

    Huebner, David


    Huff, Jenai

    Huff, Mark

    Huggins Grant, Tiffany

    Hull, Sierra

    Humming House


    Hunt, Kelly

    Hunter, Ben

    Hurricane Ruth

    Hurt, Mississippi John

    Hussey, Steve

    Hutchinson, Meg

    Huttlinger, Pete

    Hydes, The

    Hyman, Dick & Judy


    Iadanza, Joe


    Ian, Janis

    Ickes, Rob

    Ida Mae

    Idan, Sariyah

    Idumea Quartet, The

    Ievins, Lydia

    Igor Prado Band

    Immanuel, Dana

    I'm With Her


    Klauder, Caleb

    Klein, Jess


    Klezmer Juice


    Klose, Jann

    Klucevesek, Guy

    Klyma, Greg

    Knickerbocker All-Stars, The

    Knott, Derek

    Knott, Lizanne

    Knoxville Jazz Orchestra

    Koch, Libby

    Koch, Sterling

    Kolassa, Mick

    Kolodner, Ken & Brad

    Konitz, Leo

    Koeppel, Jim

    Koons, Greg

    Kovac, Paul

    Kozloff, Eileen

    Krakauer, David

    Kramer, Brian

    Krauss, Alison

    Krell, Elias Elena

    Krikorian, Dan

    Kris Lager Band

    Kristofferson, Kris

    Kritzer, Steve

    Krokoff, Scott

    Kromm, Randall

    Kronos Quartet

    Krueger, Rich

    Kruth, John

    Kurt Deemer Band

    Kuys, Phil

    Kweskin, Jim

    Kyle, Jasmine

    Kytasty, Julian


    La Mar Enfortuna

    Lac La Belle

    Ladage, Jillian

    LaFarge, Pokey

    LaFave, Jimmy

    Lage, Julian

    Lake, Meschiya

    Lake Street Dive

    Lakshmi, Jaya

    Laliotis, Emily Ann

    Lamb, Dwight

    Lambert, Dan

    Lamotte, David

    Lamy, Andy

    Landes, Dawn

    Landes, Roger

    Landon, Lara

    Lane, Michael

    Lanegan, Mark

    Lang, Jonny

    Langers Ball, The

    Langford, Tim “Too Slim”

    Langhorne Slim

    Langston, Grant

    Lanning, Michael

    Lannon, Nyles

    Lanterns on the Lake

    Lara and the Bluz Dawgz

    Larkin, Patty

    Larson, Jeff

    Larkin Poe

    Larson, Jeff

    LaSalle, Ron

    Last Bandoleros

    Last Bison, The

    Last Train Home

    Laswell, Bill

    Laterzo, Chris

    Latham, Jacob

    Latini, John

    Lauderdale, Jim

    Laughlin, Rose

    Lauper, Cyndi

    Laureanno, Mike

    Laurel, Alicia Bay

    Laurel, Katey

    Laurie & Kathy

    Laurie, Hugh

    Laurie Jane

    Laval, Jamie

    Lavender, Billy

    LaVere, Amy

    Lavin, Christine

    Lavin, Cinzi

    Lawrence, Marshall

    Lawrence, Richie

    Lawson, Doyle

    Lax, Matt


    Leadon, Bernie

    Lebec, Elise

    Lebo, Lawrence

    Ledbetter, Mike

    Lederman, Josh y los diablos

    LeDoux, Christine

    Lee, Amos

    Lee, Brian

    Lee, Bryan

    Lee, Rick

    Lee Folk, Bradford

    Lee Land, Arthur

    Leftover Salmon

    Lee, Savana

    Legendary Ingramettes, The

    Legendary Shack Shakers, Th'

    Lehto & Wright

    Leigh, Brennen


    Lenker, Korby


    Leonhardt, Jennifer

    Leppin, Janel

    Lerner, Marilyn & David Wall

    Leshaw, Howard

    Lester, John

    Letizia, Gaetano

    Leva, Vivian

    Levee Town

    Leverett, Margot

    Levine, Mara

    Levinger, Lowell

    Levins, The

    Lewis, Jodee

    Lewis, Laurie

    Lewis, Michelle

    Lewis, Sam

    Lewis & Leigh

    Lightning Red

    Licko, Jennifer

  • CD "The Lights of Christmas" , FW issue 61, in German

    Lightnin' Luke

    Lightnin' Willie

    Likho Duo

    Lilly Bros., The

    Lilly, George

    Lil Smokies, The


    Lim, Lisa

    Lind, TD

    Lindley, David

    Lindsay, Arto

    Lindsay, Ron


    Lippert, Paul

    Lipshutz, Brett

    Liquid Clarinets


    Little, Keith

    Little Boys Blue

    Little Charlie

    Little Feat

    Little Hurricane

    Little Mike

    Little Red Rooster

    Little Windows

    Littlepage, Janni

    Littlest Bird, The

    Litzinger, Matt

    Lively, B.R.

    Living Sisters, The

    Livingston, Bob


    Local Strangers, The

    Locust Honey String Band

    Loebe, Rebecca

    Logen, Michael

    Lomax, Alan

    London, Frank

    Lone Bellow, The

    Lonely Heartstring Band

    Lonesome Ace Stringband

    Lonesome Brothers

    Lonesome River Band

    Long, Bobby

    Long, Donna

    Long, John

    Long Ryders, The

    Loomis, Hamilton

    Loose Acoustic Trio, The

    Lopez, Alex


    Lord, Mary Lou

    Lorentzen, Ben

    Lorraine, Toots

    Los Fabulocos

    Los Goutos

    Los Kingdom

    Los Lobos

    Lost Bayou

    Lost Brothers, The

    Lou, Lindsay

    Louisiana Red

    Louisiana's LeRoux

    Love, Jennifer

    Lovely, Karen

    Love Over Gold

    Lovett, Ruby

    Lowland Hum

    Low Lily

    Low Society

    Lucas, Austin

    Lucas, Gary

    Luce, Lydia


    Lucky Losers, The


    Lula Wiles

    Lumineers, The

    Lumsden, David


    Lynch, Anna

    Lynch, Claire

    Lynch, David

    Lynch, Megan

    Lynn, Lera

    Lynne, Mia Rose

    Lynwood Slim

    Lyons, Dana

    Lyons, Jeremy

    Lyons, John



    MacAdam-Somer, Eden

    MacArthur, Margaret

    MacCarthy, Tommy

    MacDonald, Country Joe

    MacDonald, Rod

    MacDonald, Sheila

    MacDuffie, Carrington

    MacGowan, Mary

    Machlis, Paul

    MacIntosh, Sarah

    Mack, Jack

    MacKay, Bill

    MacKenzie, Ruth

    Mackenzie, Talitha

    Mackeson, Brad

    MacLeod, Doug

    MacLeod, Kate


    Mad Buffalo

    Madden, Joanie

    Madden, Liz

    Mad Maggies, The

    Mad Meg

    Magill, Andrew Finn

    Magness, Janiva

    Magnolia Electric Co.

    Magpie String Band

    Mahal, Deva

    Mahal, Taj

    Mahan, Rich

    MaHarry, Wendy

    Mahon, Elaine

    Mahoney, Darin

    Majors Junction

    M.A.K.U. Soundsystem

    Mal, Karen

    Mama SpanX

    Mamas & The Papas, The

    Mancini, Pete

    Mancuso, Matt

    Mandell, Eleni

    Mandeville, Liz

    Mandolin’ Brothers

    Mandolin Orange

    Mank, Tom

    Mann, Aimee

    Mann, Mitch

    Mann, Tim

    Mann, Woody

    Mannish Boys, The

    Manson, Jono

    Maoz, Eyal


    Marchant, Jesse

    March to May

    Marhoefer, 'Long Haul' Paul

    Maria, José

    Mariachi El Bronx

    Mark, Walkin' Cane

    Markey Blue

    Markley, Craig

    Marks, Tad

    Marlia Project

    Marlowe, Billy

    Marotta, Jerry

    Marr, Andrea

    Marriott, Beryl

    Marshall, Erynn

    Marshall, Lisa

    Marshall Jung Ochsenbauer

    Martha's Trouble

    Martin, Flav

    Martin, Janet

    Martin, Jeffrey

    Martin, Lydia Sylvia

    Martin, Steve

    Marxer, Marcy

    Mason Brothers

    Mason, John-Alex

    Mason, Molly

    Mason, Ray

    Massek, Sue


    Massey, David

    Massey, Will T.

    Mastro, Johnny


    Matt Flinner Trio

    Mattice, Michael


    Maurer, Jen

    Maurice, Tim

    Mavericks, The

    Maxwell Street Klezmer Band

    Mayer, Peter

    Mayflies, The

    Mayone, Steve

    McAllister, Randy

    McArthur, James

    McBride, Martina

    McBride, Tom

    McCall, Cash

    McCalla, Leyla

    McCarver, Cody

    McCaslin, Mary

    McClain, Mighty Sam

    McClinton, Delbert

    McClure, Mike

    McComiskey, Billy

    McConnell, Sean

    McCoury, Del

    McCoy, Chance

    McCoy, Tommy

    McCready, Mindy

    McCreary, Bear

    McCreary, Helen

    McCreedy, Robert

    McCutcheon, John

    McDonough, John

    McDonnell, Kate

    McEuen, John

    McEuen, Nathan

    McFadden, Claron

    McFeron, Ian

    McGee, Kieran

    McGinley, Ed

    McGrath, Chris

    McGraff, Tia

    McGraw, Dave

    McGuinn, Roger

    McGuire, Mike

    McHale, Rob

    McHugh, Martin

    McInroe, Keegan

    McKay, Noel

    McKee, Andy

    McKee Brothers, The

  • CD "Enjoy It While You Can", FW issue 61, in German

    McKeown, Erin

    McKernan, Marty Moonshine

    McKnight, Elam

    McLaughlin, Marian

    McLean, Don

    McMillan, Laura

    McMillen, Mark

    McNally, Katie

    McNalley, Tom

    McPherson, JD

    McRae, Kelley

    McVarish, Gabe

    Meade, Laura


    Mean Mary

    Mednick Powell, Lisa

    Mednick, Steve


    Mehldau, Brad

    Meisel, Kevin

    Melamed, Vince

    Melancon, Rod

    Menche, Daniel

    Menton, Todd

    Merchant, Natalie

    Mercy Child

    Merriman, Will

    Merritt, Tift

    Messano, Bobby

    Messinger, Paul

    Metropolitan Klezmer

    Meyer, Liz

    Meyer, Yael

    Me You & Her

    Michael and the Lonesome Playboys


    Michael on Fire

    Michaels, Jaime

    Michaud, Tomas


    Mighty Mojo Prophets, The

    Migliazza, Arthur

    Migliorelli, Frank

    Mike Henderson Band, The


    Milagro Saints

    Miles, Keith

    Mile Twelve

    Milk Carton Kids, The

    Millanta, Giulia

    Millecchia, Matt

    Miller, David Michael

    Miller, Drew

    Miller, Jacob

    Miller, Michael

    Miller, Randy

    Miller, Rhett

    Miller, Rodney

    Miller, Scott

    Miller Phillips, Gabriel

    Millerschin, Olivia

    Millipond Moon

    Mills, Paddy

    Milner, Dan

    Mimi Burns Band

    Minogue, Aine


    Mischo, RJ

    Misner & Smith

    Miss Bix

    Miss Leslie

    Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray

    Miss Tess

    Mississippi Blues

    Mississippi Bigfoot

    Mississippi Fever

    Mississippi Heat

    Misty Mountain String Band

    Mitch Marcus Quintet

    Mitchell, Anais

    Mitchell, Elizabeth

    Mitchell, Lauren

    Mitchem, Luke

    Mitchhart, Stacy

    Mithril Duo

    Moe, Joe

    Moffatt, Katy

    Mojo Monkeys

    Molasses Creek

    Molenes, The

    Molina, Ralph

    Molly's Revenge

    Moloney, Mick

    Molsky, Bruce

    Monroe, Ashley

    Montgomery, Winston

    Moock, Alastair

    Moody, Laura

    Moonshine Society

    Moore, Daniel

    Moore, Daniel Martin

    Moore, Ian

    Moore, R. Stevie

    Moore, Thom

    Moore, Yvonne

    Moorer, Allison

    Moose Whisperers, The

    Premo, Laurel

    Pressner, Bob

    Presto Bando

    Price, Anne

    Price, Bill

    Price, Joe

    Price Sisters, The

    Primer, John

    Princess Pangolin

    Prine, John

    Procell, Derrick

    The Prodigals

    Professor Louie & The Crowmatix

    Pronsky, Rebecca

    Proven Ones , The

    Psychic Ills

    Punch Brothers

    Puorto, Shari

    Purdy, Brigitte

    Purdy, Joe


    Qualey, David

    Quiet American, The

    Quiles & Cloud

    Quinn, Kory


    Radical Face

    Radin, Joshua

    Radio Kings, The

    Rae, Emerald

    Rae Gordon Band

    Rafael, Joel

    Rafferty, Mary

    Rafferty, Mike

    Railroad Earth

    Railsplitters, The

    Rain, Laura

    Raines, Annie

    Raines, Missy

    Raitt, Bonnie

    Rajamani, Oliver

    Rajeckas, Andy


    Ramirez, David

    Ramminger, Scott

    Randen, Bill

    Randlett, Rick

    Raney, Colleen


    Ratliff, Audey

    Raven and Red

    Rawlings, Garrick

    Rawls, Johnny

    Ray, Amy

    Rayford, Sugaray

    Rea, Bob

    Ready Stance, The

    Reali, J.P.

    Reardon, Hayley


    Reckless Johnny Wales

    Reckless Kelly

    Reckless Ramblers, The

    Red Baraat

    Red Button, The

    Redding, James Tristan

    Red Feather Woman

    Red Hot Chachkas

    Red June

    Red Meadows

    Redmond, Andy

    Red Rooster

    Red Sammy

    Red Sea Pedestrians, The

    Red Sky July

    Red Stick Ramblers

    Red Tail Ring

    Red Wellies, The

    Reed, Dennis Roger

    Reeds, Rachel


    Reese, Patty

    Refusers, The

    Reid, Vernon


    Renzema, Chris

    Reptile Palace Orchestra, The

    Resistance Revival Chorus

    Resonant Rogues, The

    Revelers, The

    Reverend Freakchild

    Reverend Raven

    Reverend Shawn Amos, The

    Rex Granite Band, The

    Rhodes, Dusty

    Rhodes, Kimmie

    Rhodes, Mick

    Rhythm Future Quartet

    Ricci, Jason

    Rice, Christel

    Richard, Zachary

    Richards, Miranda Lee

    Richardson, Kim

    Richey, Kelly

    Richey, Kim

    Richman, Jonathan n

    Rickard, Tommy

    Rickman, Eliza

    Riddle & the Stars

    Rides, The

    Riffriders, The

    Rifters, The

    Riggins, Kat

    Riley, Dave

    Rishell, Paul

    Rising Appalachia

    Risk, Jordan, League

    Ritchie, Jean

    Ritter, Josh

    Riverbreaks, The

    River Drivers

    Rivers, Nico

    Rizzio, Monica

    Robb, Terry

    Robbins, Tim

    Robert Bobby Duo, The

    Robert, Jason

    Roberts, Jim

    Robertson, Hunter

    Robertson, Kim

    Robillard, Duke

    Robin, Janet

    Robinson, Bruce

    Robinson, Dana & Susan

    Robinson, Nell

    Robinson, Tad

    Robison, Bruce

    Robison, MT

    Roche, Eric

    Rodgers, Jimmie

    Rodio, Breezy

    Rodrigue, Dylan

    Rodriguez, Carrie

    Rodriguez, David

    Rogers, Benjamin Dakota

    Rogers, James 'Buddy'

    Rogers, Jimmy

    Rogers, Kenny

    Rogers, Mark

    Rojas, Mario


    Ronnie, Li'l

    Ronstadt, Linda

    Ronstadt, Michael G.

    Ronstadt Generations

    Roof Beams

    Roohan, MaryLeigh

    Rooney, Jim & Rooney's Irregulars

    Root Doctor

    Rose, Al

    Rose, Arrica

    Rose, Dragon

    Rose, Eileen

    Rose, Raina

    Rose, Stacie

    Rosebuds, The

    Rosemary's Garden

    Rosenberg, Ivan

    Rosenthal, Tokyo

    Rosewood, Dave

    Ross, Clay

    Ross, Craig

    Ross, Gerald

    Roth, David

    Rouse, Josh

    Rovics, David

    Rowan, Peter

    Roznowski, Tom

    Rubarth, Amber

    Rubino, Carmen

    Ruffolo, Eugene

    Ruggiere, Jimmy


    Runaway Horse

    Run Boy Run

    The Running Kind

    Rupa & The April Fishes

    Russell, Allison

    Russell, Calvin

    Russell, Paul

    Russel, Shake

    Tom Russell

    Russell, Tom

    Ryan, Brent

    Ryan, Cathy

    Ryan Taylor Band

    Ryder, Deb

    Rynn, Patrick


    Sachs, Paul

    Safka, Melanie

    Sage, Rachael

    Sahm, Doug

    Sahm, Shandon

    Saks, Dan

    Salazar, John

    Curtis Salgado

    Salgado, Curtis

    Saliers, Emily

    Salina, Eva

    Salley, Rowland

    Salmon, Robin Dean

    Samson, Michael

    Sampson, Jake

    Sanborn, Kathy

    Sanders, Chris

    Sandifer, Phillip

    Santana, Andy

    Santos, Danny

    Santoyo, Alejandro

    Saran, Jennifer

    Sardinas, Eric


    Sauce Boss

    Saunders, Shannon

    Savage, Bambi Lee

    Savarino, Jim

    Savoy Brown

    Sayers, Hadden

    Schlieske, Tina

    Schmidt, Danny

    Schmude, Doug

    Schneckenburger, Lissa

    Schneider, J. Alan

    Schneider, Roy

    Schoen, Robert Castle

    Schuch, Steve

    Schultz, JJ

    Schumacher, Richard

    Schwartz, Eric

    Schwartz, Hank

    Schwartz, Paul

    Schwarz, Willy

    Scott, Cal

    Scott, Darrell

    Scott, Erik

    Scott, Hilary

    Scott, Randy

    Scott, Tim

    Scottie Miller Band

    Screamin' John

    Scroggins, Jeff (& Colorado)

    Scroggins & Rose

    Scruggs, Earl


    Seals, Son

    Seaman, Richard

    Seamons, Joe

    Seasick Steve


    Sebastian, John

    Secret Sisters, The

    Seeger, Mike

    Seeger, Peggy

    Seeger, Pete

    Seeger, Russ

    Seeger, Toshi-Aline Ohta

    Seides, Jan

    Selfe, Kevin

    Seitz, Paul

    Sekhani, Kevin

    Seldin, Norman

    Selfe, Kevin

    Semer Ensemble


    Serby, David

    Service Industry, The

    Session Americana

    Seville, Eddie

    Sewell, Trevor

    Shaddox, Billy


    Shain, Jon

    Shaka, Tom



    Shannon, Pamela Wyn

    Sharone, Gil

    Sharp, Routh, Bays, Sharp

    Sharrard, Scott

    Shaver, Billy Joe

    Shea, Casey

    Shea, Rick

    Sue Sheehan


    Shed, Tom

    Sheehan, Sue

    Sheerin, Carmel

    Shelley, Joan

    Shelton, Big Joe

    Shelton, James Alan

    Shenandoah, Joanne

    Sheppard, Andrew


    Shewell, Eryn

    Shilpa Ray

    Shimabukuro, Jake

    Shinbone, Billy

    Shindell, Richard

    Shipe, John

    Shires, Amanda

    Shocked, Michelle

    Shogren, J.

    Shoop-Wu, Nancy


    Shotgun Party

    Show Ponies

    Shulman, Richard

    Sicilia, Gina


    Siegel, Dan

    Siegel, Joel

    Silber, Irwin



    Simien, Terrance

    Simmons, CJ

    Simmons, Stephen

    Simon, Howard

    Simon, Paul

    Singleton, Jim

    Singleton, Joshua

    Sinjin, Pete

    Siskind, Sarah

    Sister Lucille

    Sister Speak

    Six Mile Bridge

    Skaggs, Ricky

    Sklamberg, Lorin

    Sky, Lee Penn


    Sky Country


    Skyline Drive

    Sky Walkinstik-Man-Alone

    Slambovian Circus of Dreams, The (aka Gandalf Murphy and ...)

    Slankard, Megan

    Sleeping At Last

    Sligo Rags

    Slim Cessna’s Auto Club

    Slovick, Jos

    Smiley, Moira

  • CD & VOCO "Laughter Out Of Tears", FW issue 55, in English

    Smith, Byther

    Smith, Connie

    Smith, Darden

    Smith, Don Banjo

    Smith, Dwight

    Smith, G.E.

    Smith, Holland K.

    Smith, Jesse

    Smith, Kenny 'Beedy Eyes'

    Smith, Mindy

    Smith, Orriel

    Smith, Phil

    Smith, Scott

    Smith, Siobhán

    Smith, Stephan (aka Stephan Said)

    Smith, Steve

    Smith, Steven L.

    Smith, Zak

    Smither, Chris

    Smithfield Fair

    Smoking Flowers, The

    Smokin’ Joe Kubek

    Smolen, Sera


    Snarky Dave

    Sneed, Dylan

    Snider, Merlin

    Snider, Tim

    Snow, Angel

    Snow, Michael

    Soars, JP

    Society of Broken Souls


    Sokolow, Fred


    Solivan, Frank

    Somebody’s Darling


    Sommer, Eric

    Sommers, Naomi

    Sons of the Never Wrong

    Sorensen, Adam James

    Sorrels, Rosalie


    Soulodre, Marcel


    Soul Suga'

    Sousa, Jon

    South Saturn Delta

    Souther, JD

    Southern Culture on the Skids

    Sover, Greg

    Spanking Charlene

    Sparks, Rick

    Sparks, Tim

    Sparks, Tori

    Speace, Amy

    Spears, Ron

    Special Consensus

    Speedbuggy USA

    Speer, Jillian

    Spehar, Gerry

    Speir, Nathan

    Spence, Sherry

    Spencer, Bobby 'Hurricane'

    Spenos, Gus

    Spicewood Seven

    Spin Doctors, The

    Spine, Mike

    Spirit Family Reunion

    Split Tongue Crow

    Spook Handy


    Spradlin, Landon

    Spring, Sally

    Spring, Stoney

    Spring Creek Bluegrass Band

    Spring Lee, Mary-Kate

    Springsteen, Bruce

    Sproule, Devon

    Sprout, Tobin

    Spuyten Duyvil

    Squires, Jeremy

    Squirrel Butter

    Stacey, Ken

    Stagger & Sway, The

    Stanard, Jim

    Stanley, James Lee

    Stanley, Ralph

    Stanson, Jim

    Star Anna

    Star, June

    Star FK Radium

    Stark Raven

    Starr, Val

    Starsinic, Jen


    Statman, Andy

    Statz, John

    Stearns, Jennie Lowe

    Steele, Bethel

    Steel Wheels, The

    Steep Canyon Rangers, The

    Stekert, Ellen

    Stelling, Christopher Paul

    Steppin’ In It

    Sterndreher, Die

    Stevens, Chris

    Stevens, Simone

    Stevenson Ranch Davidians, The

    Stevie J

    Stevie J. Blues

    Stewart, Buffy Ford

    Stewart, Gregg

    Stewart, Heather

    Stewart, John

    Still Hand String Band

    Stills, Stephen

    Stockdale, David

    Stokes, Chadwick

    Stolen Hearts

    Stone, Keith

    Stone, Matt

    Stone, Rob


    Stone Cupid

    Stone Hill All-Stars, The

    Strata-Tones, The

    Straw, Lindsay

    Stray Birds, The

    Street Dogs

    Strider, John

    Strider, Jon

    Strings, Billy

    String Revolution, The

    String Sisters

    Strings, Billy

    Stripmall Ballads

    Strom, Dao

    Strom, Yale

    Strong Water

    Stroutsos, Gary

    Struthers, Nora Jane

    Stuart, Chris

    Stubblefield, Jim

    Stykos, Kristina

    Suchy, Ben

    Suchy, Chuck

    Suereth, Russell

    Sugar Blue

    Sugar Lime Blue


    Suhler, Jim

    Suit Ty Thurrsty

    Summer Wardrobe, The

    Summit, Mason

    Sumner, Dan

    Sumner Brothers, The

    Sun, Forest

    Sundrud, Jack

    Sun Parade

    Sun Soul Orchestra

    Surette, David

    Surrender Hill

    Suzanne & The Blues Church

    Swam, Pam

    Swamp Cabbage


    Swan, Astrid

    Swans (Michael Gira)

    Sweet Claudette

    Sweeten, Ann

    Sweet Honey in the Rock

    Sweet Lowdown

    Swing, Wes

    Swirsky, Seth

    Sylvia Platypus

    Sygit, Jen




    Taft, Dudley


    Talbot, Nathaniel

    Talley, James

    Talmadge, Jeff

    Tango Toy, Paul Brody's

    Tani, Maurice

    Tapia, Abi

    Tate, Laura

    Tauring, Kari

    Taylor, Cassie

    Taylor, Chip

    Taylor, Eric

    Taylor, George

    Taylor, James

    Taylor, Livingston

    Taylor, Lynne

    Taylor, Otis

    Taylor, Pam

    Taylor, Stoni

    Teasley, Tom

    Ted Vaughn Blues Band, The

    Telesca, Mark



    Tempchin, Jack


    Tenakhongva, Clark

    Teneal, CeCe

    Teng, Vienna

    Tergis, Athena

    Terra Guitarra

    Terrible Lizard

    Terry, Jesse

    Terry Quiett Band

    Texicana Mamas

    Thames, JJ

    Theory, Alex

    Therieau, Mike

    Thien, Kirsten

    Thile, Chris

    Thomas, Allan

    Thomas, Richard Paul

    Thomas, Robert Top

    Thomas, Rosie

    Thomas, Vaneese

    Thompson, Billy

    Thompson, David

    Thompson, Kevin Michael

    Thompson, Verlon

    Thomsen, Laurel

    Thorn, Paul

    Thorne, Lucie

    Three for Silver

  • Video "Get Low", FW issue 68, in German
  • Video "Rivers and Wildwood", FW issue 67, in German
  • CD "The Way We Burn", FW issue 65, in German

    Three Mile Stone

    Thunderbolt & Lightfoot

    Tice, Jackie

    Tillers, The

    Timms, Daniel Glen

    Timony, Mary

    Tiny Vipers

    Tivel, Anna

    To Kill A King

    Tolchin, Jonah

    Tomlinson, Michael

    Tommy Z

    Tone Bent

    Tonooka, Sumi

    Toops, Brady

    Torches, The

    Torres, Jenna

    Tortora, Guy

    Town Mountain

    Townsend, Matt


    Track Dogs

    Train, John

    Tragedy Ann

    Trampled by Turtles

    Transona Five

    Trapper, Blitzen

    Traum, Artie

    Traum, Happy

    Treacher, Robinson

    Treanor, Dan

    Treewater, Joe

    Tres Chicas

    Trevor B. Power Band, The

    Tribal Seeds


    Triggers & Slips

    Tripping Lily

    Trischka, Tony

    Troch, Steven

    Troop, Joe -> Che Apalache

    Troost, Ernest

    Troubadour 77

    Troublefield, Rachel

    Trout Steak Revival

    Trudell, John

    True North

    T Sisters

    Tubb, Meagan

    Tucker, Johnny

    Tucker, Wes

    Tui (Jake Blount & Libby Weitnauer)

    Turner, Benny

    Turner, Clarence 'The Blues Man'

    Turner, Eddie

    Turner, Frank

    Turner, Pierce

    Turner, Rebecca

    Turner, Reed

    Tuttle, Molly

    Twangtown Paramours, The

    Tweed Funk

    Two Man Gentleman Band, The

    Two Tracks, The


    Tyler, Mike

    Tylor & The Train Robbers


    Udden, Jeremy

    Ugly Stick

    Ulbrich, Carla


    Uncle Monk

    Underhill Rose

    Ungar, Jay


    Unleashed Dreams

    Unspoken Tradition

    Urban Desert Cabaret

    Uttal, Jai


    Valentino, Sal

    Valley Maker


    Vandersteel, Mariel


    Vanilla Fudge

    Van Ronk, Dave

    VanSant, Letitia

    Van West, Jenny

    Van Zandt, Townes

    Vargas, Kate

    Vaughan, Jimmie

    Vaughan, John

    Vega, Suzanne

    Vegas Strip Kings

    Veitch, Michael

    Veloz, Joseph

    Veretski Pass

    Vester, John

    Venuti, Matt

    Vicars, J.J.

    Vicious World

    Vickers, Brad


    Victor & Penny

    Vidal, David

    Vidal, Maïa

    Viele, Frank

    Vignatis, The

    Villalobos, Gina

    Vincent, Rhonda

    Vincitore, Willa

    Vines, Freeman

    Vinnie's TV

    Vintage #18

    Viva DeConcini

    Viva Voce

    Vivone, Jason

    Vonne, Patricia

    Victoria Vox

    Vox, Victoria




    Wachira, Naomi

    Wade, Stephen

    Wagner, Ben

    Wagner, Cliff

    Wagner, Nichole

    Wahler, David

    Wainwright III, Loudon

    Wainwright, Rufus

    Wainwright, Victor

    Waits, Tom

    Wakefield, Mare

    Waldon, Kelsey

    Walkaways, The

    Walker, Jarred

    Walker, Melody

    Walker, Seth

    Walking Guys, The

    Wall, Greg

    Wallack, Stephen

    Wallen, Brian Keith

    Wallen and Phelps

    Wallens, The

    Waller Jr., Robert Rex

    War, Sunny

    Ward, M.

    Ward, Michael

    Wargo, Jack

    Warner, Dennis

    Warner, Jeff

    Warner Moore, Todd

    Warnes, Jennifer

    Warp/The Weft, The

    Warren G. Hardings, The

    Warshauer, Laura

    Washburn, Abigail

    Wasilik, Annette

    Water Callers, The

    Watermelon Slim

    Waters, Muddy

    Wates, Rupert

    Watkins, Beverly "Guitar"

    Watkins, Sara

    Watkins, Sean

    Watson, Dale

    Watson, Doc

    Watt, Erisy

    Wax Mannequin

    Waybacks, The

    Waydown Wailers

    Way Home, The

    Wayne, Bob

    Weathersby, Carl

    Weathersby, Shad

    Weathervanes, The

    Weaver, Levi

    Webb, Wendy

    Weber, Dan

    Webster Ave

    Weekenders, The

    Weeks, Steve

    Weight Band, The

    Weinheimer, Jason

    Weisman, Kurt

    Weissberg, Eric

    Welch, Kevin

    Welch, Monster Mike

    Welchman, Geoffrey

    Weld, Dave

    Well Informed Citizens

    Wells, Brooksie

    Wenzel, Timothy

    Werner, Missy

    Werner, Steve

    Werner, Susan

    West, Corinne

    West, Eli

    Hedy West

    West, Hedy

    Westerman, Floyd

    Western Flyers, The

    Weston, Casey

    Wheeler, John


    Whelan, John

    Whelan, Sid

    Whiskey Daredevils, The

    Whiskey Myers

    Whispertown 2000, Thw

    White, Amelia

    White, Amy

    White, Jr. Billy

    Whiteboy James

    White Owl Red

    White Sun


    Whitley, Trixie

    Whiskey Myers

    Whittenberger, Laura


    Why and Wherefores, The

    Wicked Tinkers

    Wickham, Vi

    Wicklow Atwater

    Wilcox, David

    Wilders, The

    Wild Ponies

    Wilkins, Steven

    Will and the Won'ts

    Willa and Company

    Williams, Billie

    Williams, Brooks

    Williams, Chelsea

    Williams, Dar

    Williams, Hayward

    Williams, Joy

    Williams, Lucinda

    Williams, Marlon

    Williams, Meg

    Williams, Nicholas Edward

    Williams, Randall

    Williams, Sharrie

    Williams, Susan

    Willie McBlind

    Willis Clan, The

    Willis, Kelly

    Willms, Reeb

    Wills, Bob

    Wilson, Alan 'Blind Owl'

    Wilson, Brad

    Wilson, Danny Lynn

    Wilson, Jim

    Wilson, Mike

    Wimmer, Beth

    Winch, Terence Michael & Jesse


    Windsor for the Derby

    Wine, Melvin

    Wininger, Elly

    Winship, Ben

    Winter, Johnny

    Winzinger, Heidi

    Wirtz, Rev. Billy C.

    Wisdom and Folly

    Wishing Tree, The

    Witmer, Denison

    Woji, Hank

    Wolf, Ira

    Wolfe, Anna

    Wolfe Bros

    Wollan, Greg

    Woloshin, Ellen


    Wood Brothers, The

    Wood, Jon

    Wood & Wire

    Woodlark, Mike

    Woods, Matt

    Woods, Tim

    Woodshedders, The

    Woodson, Will

    Wooldridge Brothers

    Woolman, Ben

    Woven Hand

    Wright, Brian

    Wright, Gary

    Wright, John

    Wright, Nelson

    Wubbenhorst, John & Facing east

    Wurster, Jim

    Wyand, Ruth

    Wyld Olde Souls, The

    Wylde, Alice

    Wyn Shannon, Pamela



    Yakopcic, Chris

    Yanek, Emily

    Yanks, The

    Yasmineh, Courtney

    Yellow Bird

    Yid Vicious

    Yoakam, Dwight

    York, Hans

    York, Hilary

    York, John

    Young, Astrid

    Young, Jubal Lee

    Young, Rusty

    Young, Sue

    Young, Zora

    Young Dubliners

    Youngblood Hart, Alvin

    Yo-Yo Ma


    Zabe i Babe with the Ansambl Theodosijevski

    Zahm, Charlie

    Zanes, Dan


    Zdan, Brandy

    Zeeman, Jon

    Zeigler, Diane

    Zimmerman, Tucker

    Zipperer, John

    Zito, Mike

    Zoe & Cloyd

    Zone, Zan

    Zonn, Andrea

    Zorn, John

    Zukerman, Natalia


    19th Street Band, The

    2men and a Campfire



    44s, The

    5J Barrow


    61 Ghosts

    9 Volt

    500 Miles to Memphis

    77 El Deora

    Various Artists


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