Issue 6 10/98


Compiled by Marc Bekaert for FolkWorld

Marc Bekaert is the editor of Flemish folk mag BOURDONSKE, and he keeps you updated on the Belgian scene.

While pop festivals complain about their declining succes, ever growing number of folk and world music festivals had great times this summer! There is not a Flemish village, if it ain't got its folkfestival! Look for Dadizele, Deerlijk, Zillebeke and Hoeilaart on the map!

The brand new music decree admitted folk music as well. At music conservatories there are finally classes for folk music (bagpipes, melodeon, virginal) and the government prefinanced a box with 8 cd's (and booklet) traditional Flemish folk music on the Eufoda label.

Rather quiet on the French speaking part, except from MacRAHL with their first album ATTITUDE (Agapès 999), a crossover between Celtic folk, blues and jazz.

But lots of new albums from Flemish folk groups:

For coming concerts look on the website of Folk Magazine 't BOURDONSKE (The little drone)at

Marc Bekaert

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© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 10/98

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