Hello! Thank you so much for reviewing our brief live recording, "Bridges - Live at Lula Lounge". It was a very quick effort and I am not in the least surprized that it did not get glowing marks! :-)
I am thrilled to say that my main, huge project of the past two years, "Songs for the Breathing Walls," has received the 2012 Canadian Folk Music Award, and it has just been nominated also by the Independent Music Awards for "World Traditional Album" and "World Traditional Song". It is a very unique album, it took me 2 years to make. And I am very happy to say that it was rewarded...
I also have a new album coming out in April, "Embrace", and in summer "Lullabies from Exile" - a collaboration with Yair Dalal, (yes! 4 CDs in 2 years... insane!!! :-) but that is another story and I will address those in due course...
All the best to you, and thank you for your time and support!!
Lenka Lichtenberg
Thank you for letting me know about the review of my album "All's Well" - and I'm very pleased to see that it was positive!
You might be interested to know that I am actually just back in England from Antarctica, where I travelled to perform my songs for Captain Scott and his team, in their original expedition hut. The journey by ship was amazing, and I reached the Hut on March 3rd, and was able to play all 5 songs there in perfect conditions: sun shining, blue skies, and only -11 degrees temperature. I'm now working on a film about this Antarctic expedition - in the meantime, there is some information about my plans at my website, and I will update that soon with news of my successful return.
Many thanks in the meantime for your interest in the project,
Jake Wilson
I just wanted to say a big thanks for supporting the new Richard Thompson album. The record charted at 16, making it not only the highest charting album of his whole career but also the joint highest charting independently released ‘Folk’ album ever. Not bad!
So, thank you.
Jay Taylor (www.prescriptionpr.co.uk)
Dear Friends, The School of Scottish Studies at the University of Edinburgh is under threat from plans to separate teaching from the world-famous archive. This move could result in damage to fragile archival material, and lack of accessibility to most of its books. A campaign is under way to demand that the School of Scottish Studies and its resources must remain intact at its present location and accessible to researchers and the wider public.
Please follow this link and sign the petition to support this cause: www.change.org.
For more details on the campaign against these plans, see the website at scottishstudiescampaign.wordpress.com.
Regards, Neil Palmer (The Scottish Folk Arts Group
FolkWorld's Best Loved Albums 2012 (FW#50)
Grrrrreat! — Le Vent du Nord
I'm honored to be included in your list of favorite albums from 2012! Thanks!
Kyle Fosburgh