Issue 12 12/99
The English columns of this issue:
In the German version there are some other columns:
(Please use the 'BACK' button of your browser to return from the German articles/Live reviews to the English articles-&-live-reviews index page!)
The German columns of this issue:
Do you like to write a column for us? Either for one of our 'regulars' like the FolkWorld Scene from Inside and FolkWorld's The Critical View, or make up your own one? Just send it!
To the (older) articles & live reviews of Nr. 11
To the (newer) articles & live reviews of Nr. 13 (as soon as issue 13 is out)
To the content of FolkWorld online music magazine Nr. 12
© The Mollis - Editors of FolkWorld; Published 12/99All material published in FolkWorld is © The Author via FolkWorld. Storage for private use is allowed and welcome. Reviews and extracts of up to 200 words may be freely quoted and reproduced, if source and author are acknowledged. For any other reproduction please ask the Editors for permission.